Maybe not.

The red seiðr forms in the sorceress's hand, worming its way against the stone.

She watches as Thanos draws closer, placing both of her hands towards her love.

But it doesn't matter.

He has the time stone.

Why doesn't anyone see it?

She stretches one hand against the Titan, pushing him away. But he proceeds anyway.

I am inevitable.

"I love you," the man whispers quietly.

The stone cracks.

Then it explodes, sending everyone who is still standing flying.

A weight is lifted of my shoulders. A weight I didn't know what there. The mind stone has released it's slimy grasp on my soul.

I am free.

The sorceress is sobbing on the ground as Thanos looks at her with pity.

"I understand, my child. Better than anyone,"

"I understand, my child. Better than anyone. To be thrown into an abyss, cast out from your own,"

The sorceress looks up at him with only one emotion.

Pure rage.

"You could never,"

Thanos pets her head, "Today I lost more than you could know," he murmurs, actual grief in his voice.

Wait, why?

He could he love? The high and mighty Thanos.

Then I remember.

She stands at his side, watching as he murders millions at a time.

His 'daughter'.


"But now is no time to mourn," he says, voice stiffening as he glares at the spot where the mind stone once stood.

"Now, is no time at all,"

Everything seems to happen in slow motion and speed up at the same time.

It's too late.

It's too late to stop it.

Thanos's hand glows a bright green, reversing the ruin of the man. The mind stone returns, the weights are thrown onto my shoulders once again.

Wanda screams and is tossed aside like a ragdoll as Thanos grips the man's neck.

You will never be a god.

His hands reach for the stone, yanking it out of the man's forehead as he turns a ghastly gray.


Before I realize what I'm doing, I step forward foolishly. Trying to what, make a stand? Stop him? As if it matters.

Because it's too late.

The Titan turns towards me with a sickening grin, watching my face with amusement. He places the mind stone on his hand. His veins turn the colors of the stones, and he groans as the power consumes him.

Then he explodes backward.

Well, lightninged backward is more like it.

Thor swoops in, throwing his axe as Thanos tries to hit him with a beam of light. The axe hits him. Square in the chest.

My brother marches forward, grasping Thanos by the head.

"I told you," he grunts, "You'll die for that," he pushes the axe further into the madman, his bones cracking under the pressure as he screams.

Thank you, brother.

Thank you for doing what I couldn't.

Thanos gasps laboriously, why is the evil smirk still on his face?

Something isn't right.

He looks me, dead in the eyes, standing behind Thor.

"Where is your brother, Asgardian?"

Something has gone terribly terribly wrong.

Thor's eyes widen, all the hurt and pain returning to him. He steps back in shock, watching Thanos with the same puzzled expression as I.

He mumbles a couple of times, trying to get the words out of his dying lungs. Then I hear them, loud and clear. We've lost.

"You should've gone for the head,"

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