Redeployment (Royal Navy PoV)

Start from the beginning

~200 kilometers north of Scapa flow.

It was relatively quiet on the ocean as Wales sped towards her destination,

Wales was selected to deploy to the areas near the Denmark strait, due to her damages.

The stormy weather and large amounts of ice at this time of year would mean that the Super-battleship likely wouldn't be able to go through there.

King George was exempted from the mission, or at least the earlier stages. It was mainly due to her turret being wrecked and her impaired ability to fight, she did try to comfort wale shy offering to get her a nice meal when she returns, George has a real knack for cooking, so that was something to look forward to.

Rodney was also hurt as well, she would have to sit out the beginning of the operation with George.

Even though Wales was a battleship, she was still damaged from her earlier engagement with Ironblood forces earlier, where Hood was sunk.

The commander's plan was likely to use the new, powerful radars on cruisers to track the giant ship and sink it with aircraft, a relatively risk-free strategy.

The only problem was that the plan kept her away from the action.

Something the commander feared terribly was losing another ship.

After Hood's loss, the commander seemed way too paranoid to do any high-risk operations.

But Hood, although she was the commander's wife, was also a very close comrade in-arms with Wales, they were part of the same fleet, Wales wanted to avenge Hood, but as much as she wanted to, the commander's choice was made, and she respected it.

Norfolk and Suffolk were both assigned to the Denmark strait as well, and they both tried to keep each other entertained with the boredom of waiting hours, or even days in position.

Wales braced for the long haul, until she heard something.

Something other than the waters, which was rare.


Wales spun her head,


"Do you hear that?" Wales said.

"Hear Wha-"

Suffolk immediate perked up,


Wales summoned her rigging.

Looking out over the Azure plains of the ocean in all directions

The water then started to vibrate.


Small droplets of water started bouncing up and down, and bubble starting rising to the surface.

"UNDERNEATH US!" Wales shouted.

Immediately, she jumped upwards of ten meters, doing a graceful backflip, drawing her sword.


Wales saw a mass of purple and orange glowing metal


Wales had to not think anymore, she had to act.

And she opened fire,


Her quadruple turrets unleashed a volley of shells hurling towards the submarine.


The shells hit and exploded on the surface!

But no damage was done, instead the surface of where her shots hit was glowing blue,

"A shield?!" She said.

A shadowy figure emerged from the siren vessel.

"Who are you?!?" Wales shouted, unsheathing her sword.

The figure dragged down the tip of her sword with her finger.

"Oh relax, I'm just here to talk, we have some urgent business to attend to~"

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