Halloween and Harrison's Mind

Start from the beginning

"Quietus," Dumbledore muttered before removing his wand and engaging in hurried conversation with McGonagall and Sprout. The three began to walk towards the entrance of the hall, reviving Quirrell and taking him with them. Nobody noticed that there were four first year Gryffindors missing from the congregation ascending towards the tower.

Harrison wandered through the first floor corridors, humming the tune to an Indie song he had heard on the radio in muggle London two months prior. He was having a pleasant time, not having to worry about classes, homework or his supposed family but of course that wouldn't last long. An ear-splitting scream sounded from up ahead and it made his stomach churn. He sprinted towards it, entering the girls' bathroom and finding an enormous, wart-ridden, sickly green troll standing over a row of smashed up stalls. He caught sight of a girl amongst the wreckage and groaned internally.

He blinked and began walking towards the troll, his began magic swirling around him causing the large creature to turn on him. Harrison looked up at the creature who was stunned into silence, the arm holding its club fell limply to its side as it stared at Harrison. Harrison began walking slowly backwards towards the door, the troll following him in rapt attention. As he descended into the entrance hall, he felt the eyes of the teachers and a few others trained onto him as he led the troll into the courtyard away from the school building. He paused for a moment wondering how to get past the bridge but his question was quickly answered by the troll smashing the roof of it into smitherenes.

He continued to direct the troll away from the school and up towards the mountains off to the west of the castle. A large crowd of professors and Slytherins had gathered to follow the first year and were all whispering amongst themselves, questioning why the troll was following him but not attacking. Harrison took no notice of his spectators as he moved slowly backwards up the base of the mountain closest to the castle. He saw the professors start to follow him up the steep slope and he flicked his right arm to the left, causing giant tree roots to form in the pathway and block the adults' approach.

The sun had already set by the time Harrison returned to the bottom of the mountain. He looked around at the present professors. Snape had his signature sneer, Flitwick looked awestruck, McGonagall was pale with pursed lips, Dumbledore held his usual grandfatherly smile but the twinkle in his eyes wasn't present, Lily Potter looked faint and James Potter was glaring at Harrison. He took a few steps towards the professors before falling to his hands and knees, coughing and spluttering. Flitwick and McGonagall approached the first year as he began to vomit into the grass, his magic reserves almost completely drained from soothing the troll enough to get it to follow him.

"What the hell were you thinking Mr Potter?" McGonagall breathed in an exasperated but stern tone as she helped lift up Harrison who flinched drastically at the contact. "Stopping needless deaths," he responded quietly before his world went black and he fainted in McGonagall and Flitwick's arms. The two heads of house lifted Harrison with a levitation charm before marching back towards the castle, the crowd seperating to form an aisle to let them through quicker.

Harrison awoke staring up at a clear blue sky, a soft breeze blowing against him which made his clothes and hair flutter. He sat up groggily, stretching out his aching muscles and looked around. He was confused when all he could see were unfamiliar rolling fields, grass and flowers swaying gently in the breeze. There was no sun yet the place was bright and warm which bewildered him even more. "Ah, you're finally awake, my dear," a voice came from behind him. He turned on his heel quickly, finding a young woman with dark hair dressed in robes of browns, black and yellows standing a few feet away with her hands clasped in front of her. Her hair fell down past her shoulders with a small bun tied at the back of her head. Her bright blue eyes were trained onto him, exuding warmth as she smiled softly.

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