Chapter 2: Jade's Entry

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"Gretchen, please bring in the first applicant for the new accounting position." Amy ordered as Gretchen left her office.

The clock on the wall ticked away, its steady rhythm punctuating the tense silence in Amy's office. The door swung open, and Jade entered, her flat chest, slender frame and buttoned-up blouse a stark contrast to the voluptuous women who populated the consulting firm. She extended her hand for a handshake, but Amy barely glanced at it, her eyes scanning Jade's chest with undisguised disappointment.

"Please, take a seat," Amy said flatly, gesturing towards the chair opposite her desk. Jade sat down, feeling a bit unnerved by the lack of warmth in Amy's greeting. She straightened her back, determined to make a strong impression despite the cold reception.

"Thank you for having me, Ms. Thompson," Jade began, her voice steady and confident. "I have thoroughly researched your company, and I am excited about the possibility of contributing my accounting skills to help improve your financial situation."

"Right," Amy replied, her gaze still lingering on Jade's chest. "Well, let's get started then." She began asking a series of questions, her tone monotonous and disinterested.

Jade answered each query with intelligence and thoughtfulness, detailing her extensive experience with financial analysis, budgeting, and tax preparation. But as she spoke, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Amy's eyes never left Jade's chest, and her responses were short and curt, as if she had already made up her mind about the outcome of the interview.

"Is there something wrong, Ms. Thompson?" Jade asked hesitantly, growing increasingly uncomfortable under Amy's persistent stare.

"Nothing at all," Amy muttered, a hint of annoyance creeping into her voice. "Let's just continue, shall we?" The remainder of the interview passed in much the same manner, and by the time Jade stood to leave, she felt utterly deflated.

"Thank you for your time, Ms. Thompson. I hope to hear from you soon," Jade said, her voice strained as she exited the office.

"Next!" Amy called out impatiently, eager to dismiss the memory of Jade's flat chest and move on to a more 'qualified' candidate. Her assistant, Melissa, appeared in the doorway, her face pale and anxious.

"Actually, Ms. Thompson, there are no other applicants today," Melissa stammered nervously, bracing herself for Amy's fury.

"What?!" Amy snapped. "You're telling me that the only applicant we have is that... that flat-chested girl?" She slammed her fist on the desk in frustration. "I would even hire a fucking janitor with big breasts for this accounting position over her!"

"Um, yes, I understand your... preferences, but Jade's resume is very impressive. She's highly qualified for the position," Melissa ventured cautiously.

"Fine," Amy grumbled, her anger simmering beneath the surface. "Hire her. But make sure she understands where she stands in this company."

As Melissa scurried away to relay the news, Amy brooded at her desk, her obsession with large breasts casting a long shadow over the fate of her consulting firm. Little did she know that Jade's determination and skill would soon lead them down an unexpected path, challenging not only the company's future but also the very foundation of Amy's desires.

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