Chapter 14

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Azren heads into the asteroid belt looking for Pluto, but hes nowhere to be seen... AGAIN.
"...Ughhh... He's always running off. Plutoo! PLU- Oh there you are!"

Azren finds Pluto look at something in the asteroid belt. he doesn't turn back when Azren talks either.
"Pluto, you okay?"


They move an asteroid to get a better look at it. theres... Titan?! He's talking to Phobos and Deimos...

"Isn't he that moon that Earth insulted?"

"Huh?! Earth insulted a moon?"

"Oh yeah. apparently hes moon racist..."

"Moon racist?! Wow. didn't even know that was a thing. Well-"

Pluto moves back a bit while talking, moving an asteroid closer to where Titan was talking to Phobos and Deimos. Titan notices this and looks back.

"Ah! Azren! Titan spotted us!"

"o shi- go go go!"

Azren pushes Pluto with them as they run to the exit of the asteroid belt.

"phew... that was... a close one..." Azren says, visibly tired.

"yeah... I think I need to get back to my orbit though. im getting pretty hot..."

"who says you weren't already...?" Azren whispers.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

"Uhh- nothing."

Azren and Pluto both stare at eachother maintaining eye contact. Pluto starts blushing a bit and impulsively breaks the eye contact

"U-u-uh, I kinda have to go now... BYE!"

Pluto flys away.

"Pluto! Wait! ...awww..."

Azren look visibly disappointed. they wanted to hangout with him more. Suddenly, they hear a voice from behind them


"AAAAAAaaaaoooh its just you Mars."

"Yeah. why were you over here with Pluto? what happened?"

"Oh, uhm, well... uhhhhujujjj" Azren responds nervously.

"well what?"

Azren looks anxious. They look around left and right, and after, quickly look at Mars.

Their expression quickly turns stern as they ask in a serious voice.

"Do you know what happened to Pluto?"

Mars gets surprised by this and moves back a little.

"Woah woah, slow down there mate, I ain't got nothing to do with Pluto. what happened to him anyway?"

Azren sighs.

"Ugh... he.... got hurt. I don't know how, but he was attacked. I found him injured and he doesn't remember who did it to him. We're trying to find out who did it, but it might take a while."

Mars stands there with a concerned look on his face.

"O-oh... I... I'm sorry. If you want, I could help you?"

Azren turns back and thinks about it for a moment. They don't know Mars very well, but they've heard hes a nice guy.

"...Okay fine. you can help." Azren says, turning back to look at Mars.

Mars' eyes light up as they said that.

"Oohh thank you thank you thank you!!" Mars says, getting a bit closer to Azren.

"Woah woah slow your roll, man. why are you so excited?"

"Oh... well... I've kinda wanted to go on a cool mysterious adventure lately." Mars replies.

"Yeah. especially cool, considering Pluto's orbit."

*knee slap in background*

"What was that?" Mars says.

"I don't know. But lets keep searching and find whoever hurt Pluto."

"Sounds good!"

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