Chapter 9: New encounters

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*Mars is FLABBERGASTED by what he just witnessed and goes to check up on Azren*

Mars: AZREN!! Are you alright?!

Azren: *blinks slowly* ...huh?

Mars: Oh my god- AZREN

Azren: Huh?! What?! What happened?!

Mars: Azren, You got hit by a solar flare!

Azren: ...what did you say?

Mars: You got hit by a-

*Azren interrupts mars*

Azren: No no no, Did you just say my real name instead of "exoplanet"?

*Mars pauses for a second*

Mars: ...Uhm, yeah?

*Azren looks at mars intensely*

Azren: ...Are you real?

Mars: Uhm, yeah I hope so?

Azren: Hmmm.... You sure?

*Mars is a little taken back by the question*

Mars: Uhh... Yeeeeessss?

Azren .....
Okay. I believe you.

Mars: Uhm... Good?

Azren: ...

*Mars is pretty concerned for Azren's health*

Mars: Uhm, Have you ever gotten solar flared before?

Azren: what's that?

Mars: ...nevermind, I'll tell you later. seeya Exoplanet.

*Azren gasps and scoffs*


*Mars gets startled by Azren's yelling*

Mars: Ey!- Would you hush up?!

*Azren angrily stares at mars*

Azren: FINE. I'll "hush up".

Mars: Good.

*Mars leaves and Azren Is left there by themself*

Azren: I can't believe this... I got solar flared! This is so cheap! And it hurt... a lot.

*Azren hears someone behind them*

???: You think you have it hard?

*Azren quickly turns around*


Mercury: OH MY SUN- Be quiet! My gosh!

Azren: ...sorry. who are you?

Mercury: Oh. I'm mercury. Are you a new planet? I haven't seen you around here.

*Mercury is looking around at Azren, Inspecting them*

Azren: Uhm... yes? I kind of just... got here.

*Mercury stops for a moment*

Mercury: What do you mean "got here"?

Azren: Uhh.... I kind of got thrown here. I don't remember anything.

Mercury: Huh. Well, I hope you get your memory ba-


*Venus appears behind Mercury*

Venus: Get back in your orbit, pipsqueak.

Mercury: O-oh right- sorry!

*Mercury leaves*

Venus: Hm... Are you new around here?

Azren: uhm... yes? I just got flung here for some reason. I don't remember anything either.

Venus: Hmmm.... 

*Venus inspects Azren's surface as Mercury did aswell, and then stares at them intensely*

*Azren maintains eye contact but impulsively breaks it out of anxiousness*

Azren: Uhhmmm... You kind of look familiar. Like someone I know.

Venus: uhuh... yeah well, I have no idea who you are, so tough luck getting your memory back.

*Venus leaves*

Azren: Huh. That was a rude first impression...

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