Chapter 11

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Entry 3

I've been thinking about Pluto a lot recently, so I decided to try and take my mind off of things. I started Inspecting Earth's behavior from afar. He really is something. He's the only planet with life after all... wait. I think i remember something... Ow! my head... ehm...

it's probably nothing, Right?

Anyway, I always wanted to see a planet with life, so when I landed in this solar system, I was pretty excited to see Earth. he's so cool... But, while I was inspecting his mannerisms, I noticed that his attitude was a bit... off. he's been acting kind of egotistical lately. But that doesn't matter, Right?... hm... I'll keep watching him for now.

Bye diary.

*Azren is watching Earth from afar. They notice Luna is gone, and start looking for her.

Then, she sees Luna talking to Titan. They've heard a lot about this solar system, and immediately recognized Titan, though, they didn't talk to him. He seemed busy.*

<Time skip>

Entry 4

...Wow. I can't believe Earth would say that. It's like he doesn't even think before speaking, He was MOON RACIST, and... and........ OW! My head... Ugh. My memories have been coming back a little, but, I think I should save those for another Entry. But, Whenever I go near Venus, I get a bit uneasy. He seems so familiar. I feel like I've seen someone like him before, But I can't put my finger on it. Ugh... I think I'll talk to Pluto.

Bye diary.

*Azren's POV*

I'm about to head to Pluto's orbit. Everything is in place. Sun is talking to mercury, So he won't notice I'm out of my orbit. Earth is playing cards with Mars after that... interaction he had with Titan. Luna is also with Earth. Venus is... Somewhere. all I have to do is get through the gas giants. Okay... I can do this.

*Azren heads to the asteroid belt to get through. They see something in there, But they ignore it. Once they leave, they hear a voice...*

"What are you doing?"

*Azren looks, It's Jupiter.*

Azren: OH! Jupiter! Hey! I'm just... uh... heading to Pluto again.

Jupiter: ...Hmm, Alright. But come back at a reasonable time. You remember what happened last time you went to Pluto.

Azren: ...Oh. You know about that?

Jupiter: Word gets around. Anyway, don't hurt yourself, okay?

Azren: ...yeah. I won't. bye Jupiter.

Jupiter: Seeya.

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