The bite is a gift

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"Come in Miss Granger" she heard him say before she even had a change to knock she took a slow steady breath and opened the door Derek Hale was sitting calmly on a creaking chair in complete control of his lyconthrope nature

"What brings you here" He asked her as she looked around he neither cared nor minded nothing in there was his
"You said that if I needed you , you would be around it and I really needed to see you before it was to late" she said
"So you've made a decision" He asked
"Yes I have , I want you to give me the bite" she told him
"The bite is a gift you better have a good explanation for asking me this are you ill or dying" he asked she knew she imagined it but for a second there he sounded concerned
"No I am quite healthy thank you do you remember why made the request to better myself because of what I felt for Remus" she asked
"This is why you want the bite , the protection of my power, my blood my history my family because of some crush" he sneered his eyes turned a starkling blue as he let out a low growl
"I have spend my entire life doing things the hard way I had to be a 11 year old muggleborn witch in a school with pure blood witches and wizards who had been taught things I have yet to learn simple things like flying at the age of 13 rumor spread that I was a exceptional young witch wisest of my age they would call me this ment I was challenged by every professor to do better so I worked harder that's when he started teaching he was different he didn't expect me to do more then I already was it was as though being around him meant I could simply just be myself it was refreshing one day he didn't show for class and it was taught by one of the professors who either pushed me to do better or had a snide comment to keep me humble on this specific day he told us to write a essay on werewolves and that he wanted atleast five pages on how to recognize them" she said
"What does any of this have to do with my bite" He asked her his eyes was back to their pale green again
"Everything because that's when I figured it out why his not teaching that class it was because the day before was a full moon and when I thought back I realized his never at school the day after a full moon so I did some light reading and I figured it out his a werewolf Derek" she said
"So you want the bite because you're hoping his gonna feel something for you it doesn't work that way" he said
"No I want the bite because yesterday we where under attack now everyone I know and love is trying to find answers leaving him who has no control over his wolf side even with a anchor alone in the house with two 17 year old's and two 16 year old's and I right now I have it under control I gave him one of Miss Martin's rings and his anchor the other he should be okay for now by she told me she wants them back I and even think if he lost control and something happened to my friends I need to protect them that's why I am asking you to bite me" she said
"You know there is a fifty-fifty change the bite doesn't work I mean it could just kill you" he said
"I am willing to take that risk Derek I can't live like this know that every full moon one of us or all might be in danger I can't trust him Derek I won't because that would mean I feel something and the last time I felt something for him I was just this numb pathetic shell of a person again so I will whatever I need to to protect those I love even if it means taking the bite of an alpha" she said
"I have a feeling your not gonna want to join my pack" he said
"Not necessarily no I prefer staying close to my family" she said
"Is their another alpha around that can teach you who turned your professor person" he asked
"Fernir Grayback" she told him
"Fernir his bite is potion" Derek sneered
"So you'll help you'll give me the bite" she asked
"Give me your wrist" he told her she handed over her wrist without hesitating he took a slow inhale at her skin
"Are you ready" he asked a growl thundering through his chest she nodded and he bit into her wrist after a few seconds he dropped it and went to her neck and bit down on it as he clutched her close until she went limp against him he laid her down gently on the floor before grabbing a clean shirt for himself and getting cleaned up their was nothing he could do for her now his venom had to work through her system once he was cleaned he made picked up his phone and made a call

"Magnus Bane speaking" the man said in answering
"It's Derek" Derek told him
"To what do owe the late hour call do you want a late night rondevue" Magnus asked
"No what no look that's not why I called" Derek said
"Pity I was so looking forward to you taking your clothes off" Magnus said
"Does Alec know you flirt so bluntly with me" Derek said
"Of course he does Alexander my love say hi to Derek" Magnus said
"Hi Derek what's going on" Alec asked
"I gave Miss Granger the bite" Derek said
"I didn't hear that or anything else that could be questioned out of me by the soul sword" Alec sneered Derek heard his footsteps leaving the room
"What do you need me to do" Magnus asked
"I am the motel I always say at their is alot of blood she might need clothes I think she's waking up Magnus hurry" Derek said panicked he never seen anyone take to the bite so fast she shouldn't be waking up

"Hermione" he asked as she slowly got to her feet letting out a low growl
"It burns" she said removing her clothes and throwing then away
"Hermione looked at me" he told her she looked around frantically till she found his starkling blue eyes his eyes was met with a powerful golden gaze "Your okay" he told her
that's when he heard it her bones cracking it was impossible for a newly turned wolf but she was doing it right before his eyes she was evolving Magnus showed up just in time to silence the room from her screams and clean up the mess around him Derek watched a wolf with creamy paws and a light brown fur coat sit before him he snapped his bones and sat next to her in his wolf form

"I am different then his kind of wolf aren't i" she asked
"I think you're different from every kind of wolf I thought you would have trouble learning how to be a beta but you overcame it your the highest rank of wolf your evolved you don't need to be in my pack you will make your own" he said
"Will it always hurt" she asked
"The more you do it the less it hurts" he told her

For the next few hours Hermione turned over and over her screams echoed until Derek couldn't bare it anymore and went to hunt she was sat quietly in a new dress when he returned
"Fernir can block out his scent make himself smell human can you teach me how to do that" She asked
"Focus on staying calm lower you hearing your senses your power be human and you will smell human I never got the hang of it" he said
She took a steady breath and did as she was told over and over again until finally she controlled her senses
"You smell human to me" he told her
"Perfect I don't want them knowing" she said he nodded in understanding
"Why can't you do it" she asked
"I am a werewolf Hermione that's normally to me can't be any more or less then what I am" he told her
"I get that thank you Derek you have given me a great gift" she told him he gave her a soft smile before watching as she left

For the next few hours Hermione turned over and over her screams echoed until Derek couldn't bare it anymore and went to hunt she was sat quietly in a new dress when he returned"Fernir can block out his scent make himself smell human can you teach...

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