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The following morning Hermione once again woke up early but unlike the previous morning this time she felt different she wasn't consumed by the pain the day would bring she no longer felt the pain of loving Remus Lupin consuming her for the first time in a very long time she didn't dread the day she welcomed it because she knew she was free

She gently twirled the silver ring on her pointing finger

_Sirius are you awake_ she thought
_Well I most definitely am now_ he thought back
_Where are you_ she thought
_In the kitchen_ He thought

Hermione nodded and made her way down the stairs a smile crossed her face as she skipped two steps and giggled as she did so she couldn't help it she was just happy that happiness quickly died out when she got to the kitchen and saw Remus sitting next to Sirius their heads bowed as the talked over a news paper

"Morning Sirius" she said cheerfully as he made her way to the coffee pot
"Hermione you seem oddly happy given the circumstances" Sirius said
"I am happy besides I highly doubt my mood changes the outcome of this war dark wizards still want us dead so I might as well you know live well I am alive" she said "can I get you another cup of tea" she added as a after thought
"I won't mind a cup" Remus said testing if their was anything substantial behind the look in her cold eyes
"I am sorry I very busy right now" she said it was a clear and blunt lie but she didn't care
The kitchen started filling up then
"Hermione why is your face doing that" Ron asked
"Doing what" she asked confused as she gave Sirius his cup of tea and sat down with her coffee
"She's smiling Ron" Luna told him
"Question is why" Ginny asked
"If you must know I had a dream a really really good dream" she said smirking
"Was I in it" Sirius asked with a wink "Not even for a second" she said laughing
"Was i" Remus asked testing a theory
"That would be a nightmare Remus not a dream" she told him the coldness in her eyes didn't waver as she spoke
"So that's it then" he said figuring it out "The vampire took away your ability to care" he said sure of himself
"Oh no I care about alot of people I just don't give a bloody hell about you" she said he looked at her in shocked but she didn't notice her attention was on Tonks now
"Do you fancy doing a bit of shopping I am not really feeling my wardrobe it's very old Hermione" she said
"Shopping sure sounds fun but I think you owe my husband a apology" Tonks said
"I don't owe him anything" Hermione said turning to leave
"Where are you going" Sirius asked
"Out" She told him _I have to go see Damon he said something yesterday_ she thought
_What did he say_ he thought _To not be a stranger_ she thought _You really should apologize_ he thought _Why he made a assumption just based on seeing me and Damon together once if anything he should apologize_ she thought _You're fight is not with me_ he told her

Hermione was out the door by now when she was out of the protection of the safe house she saw Damon waiting for her

"Didn't think you would show up I suppose I get it now" Damon said
"Get what" she asked
"You really are the wisest witch of her age" Damon said
"I figured a member of the council wouldn't just tell me to not be a stranger" she said
"And you where right do you remember what I told you that we will be watching you it wasn't just a passing by thought we saw potential and so far you have not disappointed us but by the final vote the entire council has to be in agreement" He said
"Why are you telling me all this" she asked
"Derek is indecisive his leaving town tonight this is the motel his staying at find a way to change his mind" Damon said giving her the information
"Okay thank you" she said
"You didn't get this from me" he told her
"You where never here" She agreed after their agreement  Damon and Hermione spend the rest of the day together he didn't mind at all taking her shopping for her new look

Hermione made her way back to the safe house it was eerily empty she realized she started looking around only to find the only person there was Remus

"What happened" she asked
"The order got called in" he said he looked pale sickly
"You look ghastly" she said
"Full moon" he told her
"Where is Tonks" she asked just as Ron , Luna , Ginny and Harry returned
"The burrow with Molly" he said "getting my wolfsbane potion ready" he said
"They aren't going to make back in time are they" she asked he looked up are her with a dark look in his eyes "I can't believe I am doing this" she said removing her ring "Don't think for one second this is for you this is because I refuse to let a werewolf kill my friends, Here put this on" she said
He looked at her confused "just do it Remus" she sneered he slipped the ring on

_Hermione_ he heard Sirius in his head
_Padfoot_ Remus thought confused
_Moony_ Sirius thought back _Hermione give you her ring_
_Yes_ Remus thought he looked at her in aww
_How are you feeling_ Sirius asked
_On edge_ he thought _Like I want to crawl out of my skin_
_Your okay Remus just breath I am right here and I promise I am not going to leave_Sirius said

Hermione saw Remus visibly relax in his chair

She took her time to get dressed in one of her new outfits before she left to he motel that was Derek's current address she got their by muggle transport and took a nervous breath when she realized she was standing in front of Derek's door on a full moon

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