Unexpected Solutions

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Alya answered him with a mischievous smirk, pleased to see Potter so attracted to her.

"So?" asked James, with a sudden inquisitive look.

"So what?"

"Did you get rid of Nott? Did you break up?" he urged her, impatiently.

Alya bit her lower lip, uncomfortable. She shook her head with a vaguely guilty air. James understood and frowned at her.

"What on earth are you waiting for?" the boy apostrophised her, annoyed.

"It's complicated." the Slytherin tried to justify herself, but the lightning-fast scowl from the Gryffindor silenced her.

"Complicated? What's so complicated? All you have to do is go up to that dandy and tell him straight, 'Listen to me you fool, it's over between us. Goodbye,'" he suggested, with obviousness.

Now it was Alya who showed signs of impatience and annoyance.

"It's not as simple as you think. Nott is held in high esteem among all our fellow Slytherins. I must have a good reason to leave him on the spur of the moment if I want to keep my reputation intact." she explained, trying to show a calm demeanour.

James' face contorted into an indignant grimace.

"Your reputation, Black? Is that really what you're worried about? What does a bunch of snobby snakes think of you?" retorted the boy.

"Well, if you haven't noticed by now, I'm part of that bunch of snobby snakes!" she snapped at him in a tone. A spark of anger flashed in the silver of her eyes. A spark that James did not miss. The Gryffindor clenched his fists tightly, barely suppressing the urge to shout in Alya's face how ridiculous and hypocritical he found her obstinate concern for what other Slytherins thought of her.

But James had not dragged Alya there, into that cramped, dusty, smelly little room, to argue. She let out a deep breath and tried to calm herself.

"I just don't like knowing you're still with him," he mumbled contritely.

Alya's face also relaxed. Once again the girl was pleased, seeing Potter's jealousy.

She looked the boy in the eyes, turning to him in a more understanding and condescending tone:

"Listen to me, I will break up with Nott, I promise! I just need time," Alya reassured him, with a distant tinge of pleading in her voice.

With a snort, James nodded.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin then exchanged awkward smiles, both sorry for losing their temper.

"I have to go now. I'm late for McGonagall's class." said Alya, gesturing to start towards the doorway. But James blocked her, grabbing her by the arm again.

"Are you free on Wednesday, after curfew?" he asked, fixing her with an imperative stare, making it clear that he would not take no for an answer.

Alya smiled.

"To our tree?" she asked in reply.

They both exchanged a complicit glance and a smile of understanding.

James pulled her even closer to him and kissed her one last time before letting young Black go.

After that, the two students slipped stealthily out of the dark room, each heading for their own classrooms.

When Alya crossed the doorstep of the Transfiguration class, she was greeted by a stunned silence, a sign that the lesson had already begun.

"Miss Black, you're late," Professor McGonagall burst out in a haughty voice, squaring the tardy student with a rapt look. "Ten points less in Slytherin." she then announced as punishment.

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