Chapter 6 A Temporary Lead And The New Kid

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No one POV: Once Freddy got his Glamrock self to parts and serves he informed the employee of what happened to Glamrock Freddy, and the employee would get right on to fixing Glamrock Freddy as soon as possible. And now it's time to talk to Monty witch Freddy was not looking forward to. Once Freddy made it to Rockstar Row, he saw Roxy in front of Monty's door like he asked and approached her.

Punkrock Freddy POV: Roxy thank you for keeping an eye on Monty if you'd like you can stay or go on your day it's up to you.

Glamrock Roxy POV: Will Freddy be, okay? Not that I care because I don't, I just want to know.

Punkrock Freddy POV: Freddy is still in parts and serves they're working on him as we speak. All we can do is wait. Now I need to talk Monty, you can stay you can go it's up to you.

Glamrock Roxy POV: I think I'll go join the Chicas to make sure they're okay. Um don't be too hard on him Freddy, we still need him.

Punkrock Freddy POV: We'll see how things go but for now we'll just be talking.

No one POV: As Roxy walked off to see the Chicas Freddy walked into Monty's room still quite upset still. When he entered Monty's room it was a mess and Monty was in the prosses of ripping a Monty plushy in half but turned to see who came into his room. And when he saw who it was his face turned form anger to fear.

Glamrock Monty POV: F-Freddy w-what are you doing here?

Punkrock  Freddy POV: I told you after I took care of your Freddy I was going to talk to you and then talk to my gang.

Glamrock Monty POV: *Shaking* um okay what do you want to talk about?

No One POV: Freddy then walked up to Monty while the Gator was shaking more with each step Freddy towards him. Once Freddy stopped, he was 3 feet from the Gator. Monty had his eyes close thinking that Freddy mite hit him. But the hit never came instead Monty felt a hand on his shoulder. Monty opened one of his eyes to see a concerned look on Freddys face.

Punkrock Freddy POV: Monty look I'm sorry for shouting at you and I'm sorry my friends shouted at you to. But you had no right to blame my group for your Freddys Glitch if we want our 2 bands to put on a great show then we have to put our differences aside and work together do you understand? 

Glamrock Monty POV: I guess I'm sorry for blaming your group for what happened back there I had no right and I'll try and work with you and your friend.

Punkrock Freddy POV: That's all I ask. I'm going to talk to Bonnie and Foxy now. When I'm done, we all can talk about what to do next and how hear about your Freddy's condition.

No one POV: All Monty did was nod and after that Freddy left to go talk to Bonnie and Foxy.

Glamrock Roxy POV: Man, even though their Freddy isn't mad anymore I just can't get his angry face out of my mind hopefully their Chica can tell me more about what happened to him.

No one POV As Roxy arrived and entered Glamrock Chica's door both Chicas just sat in silence clearly sad about what was going on but cheered up when they saw Roxy.

Glamrock Chica POV: Roxy you're okay!

Punkrock Chica POV: So, what's going on with the Freddys?

Glamrock Roxy POV: Well, all Punkrock Freddy told me about or Freddy is that they're working on him right now and your Freddy is talking to Monty right now. I told him to go easy on him because we still need Monty.

Glamrock Chica POV: It's good to hear that they're working on Freddy and let's hope he'll be back up and we can do that show we planned.

Punkrock Chica POV: Roxy Chica I want to apologize for how my friends are acting. Is there any way you can forgive us?

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