Chapter 2 Vegas and The Plex

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Author POV: just before we start, I just wanted to say the Punkrocks can change their voice when singing.

No one POV: As the Punkrocks slept in their party bus Knowing that they will be performing a huge show in Vegas not all the Punkrocks are as relaxed as the others. Freddy's mind was on the Plex. Unlike the other Freddy looks more into the places he and his friends perform. And Freddy knew what was going on at the plex and that's what worried him.

Punkrock Freddy POV: The Pizza Plex? Why their? Boss must know about what's happening around that place. So why set a gig there?

No one POV: some big lights brought Freddy out of his thoughts. He looked out the window to realized they finally made it to Las Vegas.

Punkrock Freddy POV: We're here we made it! Guys wake up come wake up we made it to Vegas!

No one POV: After Freddy was done shouting for his Friends to get up, they finally started to get up.

Punkrock Bonnie POV: What is it Freddy I was kind sleeping yea know things we do at night.

Punkrock Foxy POV: Yea this better be good I need my beauty sleep.

Punkrock Bonnie POV: No amount of sleep can fix that face.

Punkrock Chica POV: Put a carrot in it Bonnie it's too late to start that.

Punkrock Freddy POV: Well, is it too late to say we finally made it to LAS VEGAS!

No one POV: Freddy moved out of the way so his Friends could finally see the big buildings and flashing lights of Las Vegas.

Punkrock Bonnie POV: We made it WE MADE IT TO VEGAS!!!!

Punkrock Chica POV: It's so big and wow I can't even come up with words to describe it.

Punkrock Foxy POV: So where was this gig going to be held? I kind of forgot.

Punkrock Chica POV: I think boss said it was at the strip or something.

No one POV: Just as Chica got done talking the party bus came to a stop.

Punkrock Freddy POV: We must have finally made it. Let's go see what Vegas has to offer.

Punkrock Bonnie POV: I'm with you on that one Freddy.

No one POV: As all the punkrocks got off the bus they were met with row upon row of fans. Kids, teens, and even adults were there to see the Punkrocks.

Punkrock Foxy POV: Wow I never knew we were so big in Vegas too. 

Punkrock Bonnie POV: Who cares as long as there having a good time we're having a good time.

No one POV: As the Punkrocks made their way to the front door to their hotel. Along the way signed autographs took pictures gave high fives and fist bump to their fans. The Punkrocks made it to the front of the hotel then turned around then Freddy shouted at the fans saying.

Punkrock Freddy POV: Thank you everyone and remember.

No one POV: As Freddy finished what he was saying all the Punkrocks lifted one arm in the air made a fist.

Punkrocks POV: PUNKROCK!!

Fans POV: FOR LIFE!!!!

No one POV: Once the Punkrocks Endter'd the hotel and made it to their rooms Freddy and Bonnie in one and Chica and Foxy in the other.

Punkrock Bonnie POV: Man, I can't sleep I'm to hyped for the show tomorrow aren't you, Freddy?

No one POV: Bonnie looks over at his buddy who was looking out the window with a serious look on his face. Bonnie's known Freddy too long to know when somethings bothering him.

Five night's at Freddy's Security Breach PunkrockKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat