4rth chapter / Aging hero

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tw// blood/mild violence, major character deaths

They once called him Sonic the Hedgehog. Legendary Hero of Mobius, Freedom Fighter, the Blue Blur... 

He saved the world more often than he could count. A hundred times, at least.

But as he got older, Eggman's schemes became bolder and bolder until it led to his death.

Sonic stared at the four melancholy gravestones in front of him as he remembered the events of that fateful day.


Eggman created an imitation of a Gizoid. One already equipped with knowledge; one that would become even stronger the longer the fight went on. It seemed doomed from the start. And perhaps that's because it was.

Eggman equipped the Gizoid with intelligence--most likely to strategize and adapt. However, his ego and cruelty mixed with the robot's pseudo-emotions... it was a recipe for disaster.

Eggman was scolding the Gizoid for not predicting Shadow's chaos spear.

That was his fatal mistake.

The Gizoid rebelled and struck him with a strong blow to the head. The robot kept beating him until Eggman's cries of agony cut abruptly, his body slumping.

He was dead.

But the Gizoid kept punching and kicking. That's when Sonic noticed Shadow skating over.

Sonic shouldn't have shouted.

Maybe this could've been prevented.

Maybe then Shadow wouldn't have been distracted for a crucial second.

Maybe then, the robot wouldn't have impaled Shadow in the chest.

Maybe then, the chaos energy wouldn't have left his body and caused a massive explosion.

Perhaps his friends would still be alive.


He missed the days of adventure.

He missed them all.

Now all he could do was stare at their graves and reminisce of the good ol' days and hope they were at peace.

Sonic solemnly placed flowers on each of the graves and returned inside, his old and weary bones not used to movement anymore.

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