Overgrown - Käärijä

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Everyone on set stared at Jere as he entered the tent. No wonder considering that there was a colourful flower crown on his head, and in his hand was a handful of equally colourful flowers.

He just told them that a little girl had given them to him, which was not entirely a lie. However the full truth was too bizarre for even him to quite believe it. His manager rhetorically questioned how the girl had gotten her hands on those flowers at this time of year, but had then jokingly said "it's lucky you weren't late".

While filming he could not stop thinking about what had happened.

While on his way he had noticed a rather odd sight on the other side of the street. It had appeared to be ivy, which grew wildly, not just on the building but also on the ground. 

However that had not been the odd thing, no it was that it had not been covered by snow

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However that had not been the odd thing, no it was that it had not been covered by snow. It had looked like the ivy had grown atop it.

He had crossed the road to get a better look, and as he had gone closer, he had noticed a young girl frolicking between the ivy. She had been wearing a baby blue summer dress and simple shoes, but had not seemed to freeze at all.

She had perked up when he had come over, standing on the edge of the ivies.

"Aren't you cold?"

He had asked, to which she had shook her head. Instead she had bent down at the ivy, and from it sprung lilies of the valley in whites, pinks and blues. She had plucked them and reached them out to him, where he had then stepped into the ivy to get them from her. 

However when he had turned around, the street had been replaced with ivy

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However when he had turned around, the street had been replaced with ivy.

Jere had looked around in confusion, turning around 360° a couple of times, before accepting that he had in fact been trapped within these plants, which was not good considering he had to be on set in 10 minutes.

"Excuse me. What is going on?"

He asked, looking at the girl. She had just beamed before taking his hand and pulling him along. She had been surprisingly strong for someone her size and age.

Confused, he had just followed her until they were suddenly out again. He could see the Skywheel from there.

The little girl had pulled on his arm, making him bent down towards her. As he had done so, she patted him on the head, and a crown of forget-me-nots, hawkweed and birch branches with leaves and fruit.

 As he had done so, she patted him on the head, and a crown of forget-me-nots, hawkweed and birch branches with leaves and fruit

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The girl had then walked back into the ivy, still beaming

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The girl had then walked back into the ivy, still beaming.

He had only looked at his phone to check the time, but when he had looked up again, the ivy had all but disappeared. Instead there had only been an empty, barren side alley. 

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