Chapter 3: Beginnings

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   The ride to my house was, well...awkward. Silence, except for the faint music coming from the radio. I kept my eyes on the road, but still, I could feel Jeff watching me the entire ride. It made me uneasy. I mean, if a hot guy was staring at you, wouldn't you be a little uneasy? It took all my concentration to keep my eyes on the road, and not him. Talk about distractions.

   I chatted about trivial things; school, people, even (yikes) the weather. Anything to fill the heavy silence in the truck. He didn't say much, just answered tersely or nodded. Well. What a chatty guy. His quietness didn't help the awkwardness. But I'd already pegged him as one of those thoughtful, silent types, so it was nothing more than I'd expected.

   Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, I pulled up into the driveway. Thank god. Grabbing my keys from the truck and slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I hopped out of the truck. Jeff shadowed me silently, staying close behind me as we walked up to the front steps.  

   Forcing a smile , I unlocked the door and turned to him. I gestured towards the now-open door.

   "C'mon, my room's right upstairs."

   "Where are your parents?" He asked as we walked in. He glanced around warily, like he was expecting someone to jump from out of the shadows. Paranoid, much?

   "It's just me and my mom here," I explained, as we went up the stairs. "And she's spending the night at her boyfriend's house." Jeff just nodded, like he already knew, and I pushed open my bedroom door.  

   He sucked in a little breath. "Wow. Your room is...amazing."  

   He wasn't lying. The aqua walls, and gold-streaked tan carpeting reminded me of the ocean/beach scene I was passionate about. Posters of my favorite bands and paintings depicting beach scenes adorned the walls. A spray-painted ukelele sat on a bamboo shelf.

   Chinese paper lanterns were strung from the ceiling, leis intertwined with the strings. And my bed. Oh, God, I loved my bed.

   A custom-made frame of Hawaiian wood, and my favorite blue-green sheets, with a tan comforter. Plus, a sun bleached driftwood desk to match.

   Yeah, I had a pretty rad bedroom. If you were into the whole surfer chick vibe. Which, as you could tell, I most certainly was.

  And so, it seemed, was Jeff. When he finished looking around my room, he looked back at me. Smiling, for real this time, I plopped down onto my bed.  

   "You can sit here on the bed with me, if you want." Then, realizing what I had just said, I blushed furiously.

   Something crossed his face. I couldn't quite tell what. Nervousness? Unease? I don't know. I didn't have much time to think about it, though, before he walked over to my bed and sat down right besides me.

   I breathed in his smell. Damn, he smelled good; the faint smell of boy and cologne, and something underneath that made me want to keep breathing him in. A metallic-ey, salty tang. Mmm.  

  "So, um, do you just wanna talk for now? I mean, this project, it can wait," I asked.  I really wasn't in any hurry to start the project, and besides, talking might give me some insight into what Jeff was really like.

   He half-smiled at me and toyed with his hands for a second. "Yeah, I'd like that, Grace."  

   Something about the way he said my name was just irresistible. His dark, deep voice caressed the one syllable. It made my palms sweaty.  

   It took me a minute to realize he had just said something else. "Huh?" I asked stupidly. "Can you repeat that?" Way to go, Grace, look like a blithering idiot in front of the hottie.

Obsession (A Jeff the Killer Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz