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the person in the mirror is someone minho has always seen. bloody, bruised. sad, angry. he's only seen him age with the same expressions and marks, from 10 to 24. alone in the same place, staring.

it's a sight he's used to. everyone is used to it. they've all been training since they were pups. always expected to strive and if failure is met, so are hard blows. after their mother died, their father became a cold tyrant. minho had tried to protect felix, but then the boy got angry.

"i'm not weak! he thinks i'm weak because of you!" those were the words felix said.

years ago. minho doesn't think he's had a good connection with the younger after that. felix turned cold. the cute freckled boy everyone adored became angry, obsessed with success and perfection. strong but cold. minho had no choice to follow.

when seungmin joined, it was because one of their father's loyal servants died. the orphan was equally lanky and quiet. minho wanted to treat him like he wished felix allowed. yet, seungmin was also cold.

chan's earlier questions bounced around in head. deep down, he does care for them. he wishes felix praised him outside of combat training. he wished seungmin wasn't so sour and allowed help. he wishes he himself was more caring and tried more.

but with a man that despised affection, the children had no choice to follow.

minho's certain the last shower of love and affection he received was from his dear, mother. omegas are loving and caring, that's all he really knows of omegas. he's heard the elders talk about how precious they are, how loyal and submissive they become to their mate.

his mother was the last omega of their pack. his father's prized possession vanished and so had his care.

so when minho stumbled across the white furred wolf, he felt strange. those eyes were soft and caring, cautious but curious. chan was the balance that his cold personality needed. a chance to relax and have peace. chan emitted a tranquility minho missed.

the drive for power, hoping it fills the aching emptiness inside him, is what lead his father to do such impulsive things. conquering territories? minho doesn't want to do anything with it, he's not interested. taking omegas? even worse.

he's never been interested in anyone. he has long lines of betas trying to woo him, but his mind is more focused on survival. if he were to marry and mate it would be by an arrangement his father creates. that's what he's always thought. after meeting chan, however, he wondered if he'd find someone like the omega. a beta that had the same capabilities, determination and traits. chan would be an amazing mate to whoever chooses him, minho is sure of it.

until then, he's listening to felix's extensive plan of attack. minho watches the younger, vaguely wondering why there's no familiarity. felix had always felt like a stranger, at most an acquaintance, after that day. his ribs ache when he glances at felix's hand move a mark, remembering the punches he's taken the day before. felix is a good fighter, they're equally tied, but felix has more expertise. hence why he's the general.

seungmin didn't want to study medicine. he was forced by their father, claiming he could easily save him in case anyone outside their home tried anything. everything they did was for the man's benefits.

"-and with that, we will win yet another piece of land. minho can watch over it and become its head like you wish." felix concludes, eyeing their father.

"sounds perfect, how soon could we do this?"

felix thinks, "in three days, we will arm the men well. they're prepared to fight in their wolf form if needed, but we must pack intensive care and whatnot. seungmin will help with that."

minho glances at the beta, who's staring at the table blankly.

"perfect, until then, be well prepared. i will not take another failure."

"yes sir," they say automatically.

with that, they're dismissed to endure three more days of pain and recovery.

─      ✿

"how do you feel innie?" chan sighs out as he slithers into the chair.

"nervous, my father is the general chan, but he's already announced that if he dies or fails during the battle, i will carry out orders." jeongin ushers, "i wanna throw up."

chan smiles comprehensively, "you're dad will be fine-"

"it's been twenty years since he's last fought, chan! he's old and all of us are too young to have witnessed anything like this! the most experience we've had is make believe war!"

jeongin is dead serious, equally frightened and worried, but it elicits a laugh out of chan.

"innie! you'll be fine! trust me," he says after calming down, "you're an amazing man,  you'll fit in your father's steps well. he's even said that son or not, you had to earn your spot. he recognizes your abilities, everyone does."

jeongin still has a sour expression, but he looks equally reassured.

"i just hope we win," jeongin mumbles, "i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i fail my father."

chan gets up and reaches over the table, brushing jeongin's hair back. "hey, whatever happens, i'll stay by your side."

"careful, i could bite your hand off from jealousy." a voice pipes.

chan laughs, facing beomgyu as he sits next to his mate. chan pulls back and sits again, watching the two with wonder.

"beomgyu will be by your side too, we wouldn't blame you."

"i think i know what you're talking about and i agree," beomgyu says, smiling at his mate.

"well," jeongin takes a deep breath, "i'm going to the training grounds, we have no idea when they'll attack but until then..."

"good luck!" both omegas wish him a good session.

until the worst comes, they'll live like they'll have a good tomorrow. chan surely hopes everything goes well. he can't wait for this to be over so he can see minho again.

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