🪄Hogwarts (yay) 👨‍🦳🪄

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All credits to J. K. Rowling

Hermione is a WHAT ??                                                                                             👉

Ron thought It would be fun to go on a walk by himself just clear his mind before mrs Weasley yelled at everybody but harry to hurry up and pack so they wouldn't be late to the train which they never were but that  fact never stop Mrs. Weasley ....so Ron woke at the ass crack of don to go on a walk  (why)

Well he wanted to clear his mind duh about yesterday and to get the guts to finally tell Fred that he has tiny crush on harry and Ron was ready for the teasing soo after walking he went back home and headed to Fred & George's room and almost got hit in the face by a weird frisbee "what in the bloody hell was that" Fred got up from his bed.

Just one of the best invention we have" Fred said excited "for now at least" George added with a glim in his eyes 👀 "so what's up with you?" George asked "you seem nervous what do you want to tell us" Fred asked like if he was a 1st year "well so yes your right for once at least I do have something to tell y'all" Ron said nervously "so tell us" Fred asked impatiently 

"OK chill I kinda have a crush on somebody and I really want to tell you but" Ron said a bit faster "TELL US" George said 

Ok Ummmmm ______________

The end 251 words 

So tired don't think I'm gonna post tomorrow a Butt load of homework 

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