Amerie couldn't help the swell of her heart, seeing how adorable the little interaction of Malani saying thank you was. She allowed Angela to give her a hug that she returned, before looking back to Amerie.

"When her father dropped her off, he left this and this." Angela handed her a bouquet of roses, identical to those he'd gotten her when they spoke. That, and a small envelope. "I'm not sure what's in here, but he said to give it to you." She shrugged to Amerie who looked to the envelope weirdly.

But she took it anyways as she set the flowers down on the little table in the lobby. She didn't hesitate in carefully ripping the sealing where she seen the darkness of the black card that sat inside. Her eyes immediately lit up once she pulled it out, knowing this wasn't just some random card. It was his primary card, the one he held the most money on.

"He said run it up, and needed me to emphasize there are absolutely no limits and on top of that..." She trailed off as she dug around her large purse until pulling out a stack of money. "He said it'd be disrespectful to not make sure you had cash too." He handed her the stack of 100s, containing at least $10,000 in cash alone.

Amerie couldn't help the wide smile that spread along her face, so much to where it almost hurt. She'd forgotten this feeling long ago, and it was one only he brought out of her because only he had the means to spoil her in the ways that he did. Near 3 years since he did anything like this, and she basked in it.

"It looks like we're having a girls day boo, we got daddy's card." Amerie smiled down to Malani who only grinned up at her in response.

"And you can take my car, I trust you enough to know you can be with your baby unsupervised. And you only have a couple days left in here anyways." Angela spoke while digging through her purse until pulling out her keys to hand to Amerie who looked to her shocked.

Having that taste of freedom felt almost foreign now. Her life seemed to be jail, drugs, then straight to rehab where she was always under supervision. She couldn't even necessarily remember that random time period when she just had pure freedom.

She couldn't help from naturally wrapping her arms around Angela in a tight, yet genuine hug. "Thank you so much." She breathed out, those words being meaning to a lot of things.

"Don't thank me." Angela mumbled as they pulled away, gaining one last small smile from Amerie who grabbed onto Malani's little hand.

"You ready baby?" She smiled down to her daughter who quickly nodded. She immediately raised her arms up towards her mother who picked her up to place on her hip. "Um, wait I don't have my-."

"Her father dropped off your license, everything is in the bag." Angela handed Amerie Malani's pink baby bag, that had her snacks and sippy cups. Along with her pull ups, tablet, and whatever else she utilized when she was taken out of the house.

"He wasn't playing huh...thank you, and can you please just put the other stuff he got upstairs for me please?" She asked Angela who immediately nodded while gathering up everything.

"No problem boo, but gon head because he said everything needs to be done by 6 pm. Meaning getting everything done, shopping, getting ready at your house and then a black truck will pick y'all up. You can leave my car there, and bring it back tomorrow. My husband will just pick me up." She rambled out information while Amerie and Malani left out of the building.

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