A New Beginning #1 English

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From the love of a demon and a human, Louis A. Keeper was born, after the war against demons in the northern lands, Louis's father (Vuitton) betrayed his race because his king only wanted to kill humans for fun . he fought demons and met a human woman named Lin who connected with him, she was a paladin. The war lasted a long time, but the demon king was killed by his own men, all the demons did not want this war anymore.

When the war ended, the demons and humans signed a peace treaty, subsequently Vuitton and Lin got married and had a baby. they lived in a palace near the main castle of the human kingdom.

When Louis turned twenty years old, he got his powers, a very dangerous magic that destroyed the entire palace, the king of humans sent a blue necklace with a concentrated magic, this was a sword before, but when he realized the problem, he ordered the best magician to put all the magic of the sword in this necklace to contain the powers of the child, this sword was going to give them victory against the demon king but in the end it was not necessary to use it.

Vuitton decided to sacrifice his life for his son, Lin didn't want that but Vuitton said that Nobody could resist the lava (Neither could he, but his body could regenerate, he just had to hold on and focus all his magic on regeneration to be able to put the necklace on him to his son), Vuitton died and Louis thought that he was a monster that should not have been born, Lin tried to calm her son down.

The king sent the best magician in the kingdom (Rei) to teach Louis to control his powers because he was very dangerous, Rei convinced Louis by telling him that if he doesn't learn to control his magic he will lose control again and the king will not let him pass and will surely execute you. Louis accepted and after six years Louis controlled his powers perfectly.

Louis asked the king for permission to leave the kingdom and go to another place and meet new people, the king accepted and also Lin and Rei were supporting him. Lin gave Louis a katana that could withstand his power and Rei put a spell so that the necklace cannot be broken or removed. Louis decided to go to the east and find out what is in these lands.

Louis had just arrived in a kingdom in the eastern lands called ystir and the first thing he had to do was find a place to stay

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Louis had just arrived in a kingdom in the eastern lands called ystir and the first thing he had to do was find a place to stay.

He found a place and was surprised to find that the coins from his country were worthless here. Concerned, he left the place and began to think of a solution.

I have to get a job as soon as possible.

Surprisingly a sheet of paper covered his face, he quickly took it and saw that it was a job and began to read it.

Let's see what we have here, the renowned Professor Maxwell, is paying those who collect the necessary components for one of his basic inventions. What a coincidence it is very close to here [expressed excited].

He put the paper in one of the pockets of his trench coat and went to the place that he had read on the paper.

Louis had arrived at the place.

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