Chapter one - 'A frightening event, I'm underground! '

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At this point of time it was 4AM, and Amber was put to last check on everything, test tubes, substances, flasks and other laboratory stuff. 

Once in the left hallway of the place, she heard footsteps. "I am supposed to be alone, nobody should be here.." she thought to herself, sitting frozen in place, when the sudden figure appeared. It was a patient at the mental hospital, "They must've escaped, I should take them back.." said to herself feeling relieved. Until she wasn't, Noticing they didn't have a tag specifying they're from that hospital, "Where is their tag?" said Amber out loud.

 Then it growled, sending amber a few steps back. The person started drooling and breathing heavily, showing its fangs... and their bloodshot eyes. Amber then started to panic when the creature got on all fours and started to walk slowly to her. She had no weapon or experience in fighting! She wanted to run, so that's what she did. She heard the creature growl in the back, running after her. 

She was slow... the creature reaching up to her, pouncing on her. Amber fell down, looking at the creature, trying to kick it away. But that made the creature more angered, sinking its fang into her leg. Amber started screaming in pain, trying to kick the creature away. After a good 3 minutes of doing that repeatedly, the creature ran away, growling at her. 

"Fuck!" she shouted while it echoed in the hallway. She got up and bandaged her leg, closing the laboratory and going back home. While in bed she was looking at the ceiling wondering, "Who was that creature? Why did it attack me?" She had many questions but left them aside. 

In the morning, she got an anonymous text saying "You are good in chemistry and you might have a desire, right? Head to the back of the mall at midnight sharp." It set Amber off, "How does it know my desire? What desire?" 

She continued her day as normal, until midnight. A man in a suit caught Amber's eyes, thinking it's probably the dude who texted her. She got closer to him. "Hi?" she said. " Hello, our newest scientist," said the anonymous guy. "What?" As she said that, the guy in the suit hit her in the head with a heavy piece of metal, her vision was blurry and she couldn't hear well. Before blacking out, she heard "Alright get her in the car." from the guy.

 Waking up in a room, a comfy bed and a nightstand, her belongings were there with her. "What happened.." she said in a tired tone holding her head from the hit. She noticed she was in a new lab coat. "Where am I?" She thought, opening the door to the hallway. 

"You woke up! Wonderful!" said the same guy in the suit. "Who are you? What's your name?" Said Amber in a hastily tone. "Damien, that's my name!" said the so called Damien. "Where am I?" Said Amber, hoping for a quick answer and not too extreme."Well, by the looks of it, we are in the middle of a forest, underground!" Damien responded. Amber was shocked, and remained silent. Damien showed her around, Amber didn't pay much attention. After the quick tour she went back to her new dorm and sat there thinking. She found her desire, the "gootraxians", they were phenomenal. The creature that attacked her, she liked it.

She found her desire. Hostility.

Hostile Desire - Book 1 "Death is supposed to hurt." a kaiju paradise fanfict.Where stories live. Discover now