"Ta main est toute en sueur," Your hand is all sweaty, I whine to make Charles let go of my wrist. He just chuckles, letting go of my wrist and using his hand to wipe some sweat on his forehead before wiping it on my arm. "Charles!" I exclaim, slapping his hand away while he laughs.

"Alors sors du lit!" So get out of bed!

I sit up with my feet on the floor, but I feel how my insides start rearranging and I get a bit dizzy. I do not want to stand up, I don't want to get out of bed and I don't want to have to walk all the way to the beach in the hot sun.

Charles stands there watching me while I consider throwing up on the floor so they lose interest in getting me to come with them. I could call in a sick day. The longer I spend time away from Charles, the longer I can avoid any risk of an argument.

"Allez!" Come on! he exclaims, clapping his hands together not far from my face.

"Entendu!" Fine! I reply as I stand up, turning to Charles as he stands there with a smug smile on his face. I put a hand on his chest to push him away further, immediately drying the sweat off on my own shirt with a grimace.

Arthur and Carla are still laughing themselves to a stomach ache on the other side of the bed. Charles and I look over at Arthur who is now sitting on the floor too, not being able to stand because he's laughing so much. Carla is weakly hitting him for making her fall off the bed.

They look over at us, then they exchange a look and they keep laughing, trying to speak but continuously failing. I sit down on the bed again, waiting for them to stop laughing so I can kick them out and get changed, but Charles immediately turns his head to me.

"Non," he says.

"Mais-" But-


"Mais ils-" But they-


"Entendu." Fine, I say as I give in and stand up again and he gives me an approving nod while I sigh and cross my arms over my chest.

"Je dois toujours te tirer du lit," I always have to pull you out of bed, he chuckles, looking at me with a little smile. I chuckle and shake my head, even though it's true. He's always had to drag me out of bed, even as kids.

Arthur and Carla finally stop laughing enough to get up and go get changed. They leave the room and I get changed and pack a beach bag. We walk into the kitchen in the main house and we get some sliced fruit to bring from the chefs before we head down the dried dirt road to the beach.

The sun is burning down on us even though it's not even noon yet. I only threw a linen shirt over my bikini before we left, but even that was getting too hot. At least it was downhill, but getting back to the house would be a pain in the ass later in the day.

We put a big blanket in the sand and spread our things out on it. Arthur and Charles immediately wanted to get into the water, but I stood there squinting out at the waves crashing onto the beach. It looked cold, and even though it had been a hot walk, it didn't seem like the most exciting idea. My hangover makes me much more boring.

"C, arrête ça. Tu entres," Stop it, you're going in, Arthur demands as he sees I'm not following the three of them into the water. I reply with a grimace as I start to sit down.

"Je ne suis pas," I'm not, I reply, laughing a little as I sit down on the blanket, putting my sunglasses on.

Arthur rolls his eyes before he starts running back to me while Carla and Charles are waiting. I think he's going to pick me up or grab me or do something to terrorize me into getting in the water, so I immediately hold my hand up to swat him away. Instead he just leans down.

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