Under the Surface

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She felt the colour leave her face as the shadow of an immense wave slid over her. Large enough to swallow the unthinkably large Moby Dick whole. Another wave of equal size looming up on the other side of the harbour.

This was the power of theTremor Tremor fruit, or the Gura Gura no Mi as some called it. It could cause earthquakes and tsunamis at the slam of a fist. It was easy to hear stories about it, something else to actually see the sheer power at his fingertips. And if he was like that... what about all the other Admirals?

All of a sudden she felt so small. So... powerless. A tiny fish, in an ocean full of sea kings.

Why the hell had she thought she could do anything? How could she possibly help when she was surrounded by goddamn Admirals and pirate Emperors!? The most she'd ever done was beat up a few no name pirates and break into a Marine base! That was it! S-She couldn't handle this?!

But then she turned to Ace. To the friend who had helped her realise what it was she really wanted.

The friend who was about to be executed.

Her knuckles whitened around the staff.

Fuck it.

She'd known deep down that she would have to grow up at some point if she was going to follow Sanji across the Grand Line. This was just a good a time as any. People were counting on her!

So she looked to Whitebeard. And although she knew it could only be a trick of the light, she could've sworn that he was looking at her. As if he knew that she wasn't who she pretended to be. A knowing smirk on his face.

One which despite her apprehension, she returned with glee.

Having allies was a welcome feeling indeed.


Strauss was... worried about something.

Sanji's eyes narrowed as he doled out another portion of stew to one of the marines (it wasn't as if he needed to actually care about serving that lot. All they really wanted was the food), his attention never shifting from the corner she'd disappeared behind almost 30 minutes ago now.

It was her damn captain's fault. He knew that much. They'd left together for a little bit a while ago, and when they'd returned... Well. Strauss did not look okay. She hadn't been physically injured or anything, in fact her face seemed quite impassive on the surface. Impassive but... tense. As if she'd been given a piece of rather unwelcome information. Which meant his imagination was going into overdrive trying to figure out what that asshole had said to hurt her.

Maybe an order for her to stop interacting with him? Nah. With a sigh, he poured another ladleful of stew into the marine's proffered bowl. As much as it pained his ego to say it, this probably didn't involve him in the slightest. If it had, she would've looked at him. Or at least shot a hesitant glance in his direction. And most likely, come straight over to talk to him about it. She hated making decisions without both parties being present.

So the fact that she was bottling it up like this was worrying to say the least.

But he wasn't going to bother her. No. He was going to be a good friend, and wait for her to bring it up on her own. Although...

He glanced down at the massive pot of stew he'd created.

She hadn't come for any food yet. And she must be hungry, she was always hungry. And it wasn't like Strauss to pass up any food if it was on offer. Neither of them would. But if she was torn up and stuck in her thoughts... If he really was a good friend, shouldn't he bring some for her? Make sure that she actually ate something, and not just the dregs like he knew she'd try and insist on. If her body was healing she needed good nourishment!

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