Fractures upon Fractures

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The air had shifted. Law could sense it, even though he was stuck several hundred metres below the surface and viewing it all through a tiny broadcaster snail practically smothered by the rest of his crew. There was something in the way everyone's faces had hardened on the surface... the tension in their brows and the fine lines of their mouth... that even with all that distance managed to set him on edge.

His leg had started twitching over 10 minutes ago and didn't want to stop.

To make matters worse, he still had no idea where Strauss was. Well, perhaps that wasn't that bad... if he could see her, that meant the cameras could see her, and the more she was on camera the more likely it was that people would recognise her from a wanted poster. But not knowing where she was increased his agitation somewhat. He'd only come this whole damn way because of her after all. And for the record, it was probably not worth it. No matter how useful she was.

The cameras panned across Whitebeard's crew once again. Possibly a redundant move from a panicking transponder operator who didn't know who would make the first move and needed to pad on time. Still, it meant Law could get a decent read on his 'so called' allies for a bit. None of them had reacted since their captain had shot out that tremor just a little while ago. Poised and present as if they were waiting for an order that never came. A tremor which had done nothing for the record. Which only helped freak him out more, but who was he to assume the logic of an Emperor. Maybe that had been an intimidation tactic.

No. Law's fingers steepled before his face. There had to be more to it than that. Whitebeard wasn't a fool. He wouldn't just show off his power for no reason. But the tremor hadn't physically affected anything, not even to cause an earthquake to destroy some of Marineford's structural supports.

...hang on.

An earthquake... Over a body of water... If he remembered his natural phenomena correctly...


Not even bothering who was in his way, Law shot upright. Chair clattering backwards into Bepo's plush fur. The mink blinked a few times, "C-Captain? Is everything alright?"

"We need to get out of here, NOW!" He was sweating. Oh holy shit he was sweating buckets. Since... Since... A hand he couldn't stop from shaking reached out to squeeze his navigator's shoulder "Go watch the currents. We need to ride these just right, otherwise we're completely and utterly fucked!"

"Captain wha-"

"Did you realise something-"

"-s Strauss going to-"

"-going to leave?"

Ngh. Law massaged his temples. This was not the time for everyone to speak all at once and he could barely make out one question from the other. He sucked in a breath. "Everyone just shut up and get moving already. We need as much distance from the isl... no, from Whitebeard as possible. Seems like he's the epicentre, if that's even how it works."

He swallowed down a mouth of dry saliva. Maintaining eye contact with every present member of his crew.

"We've got a tsunami incoming. And if we don't get moving right now, we're dead. So didn't you hear me, MOVE!"

Less than a minute later, the wave of water hit them.


Strauss thought this ship was insane. Sanji could tell that much from the slightly wide eyed expression that flickered onto her face wherever she thought no one was looking. Once or twice he'd even caught her testing the turf on the main deck with her foot. Presumably to figure out if it was real or not. And yes, while he understood that this wasn't exactly a typical ship, let alone for pirates, he still couldn't help but find her disbelief just a little bit adorable. Which, let's be honest here, he did his best to encourage.

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