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Blue and Bubbles were sitting in the back of the truck, seemingly cramped into the space. "...It's kind of tight in here..." Quirky murmured.

"Be glad that we're able to fit in here and get carried along with the others..." Blue Knight remarked with slight annoyance at his older cousin's complaints. 

"::Sergeant Garrick, roger up.::" Raven's voice said through the comms.

"Go for Garrick." Kyle spoke.

"::Terror threat level is now critical. Possibly multiple attackers. Bombers or something worse.::" 

"Do we have snipers in position?" Kyle asked.

"::Negative, Sergeant. Can't unduly alarm the public.::"

"Terrorists know that too, sir?"

"::Garrick, don't turn London into a war zone. Clear?::"

"Yeah. Crystal. Out." 

"Looks like we're on our own, lads..." Sgt. Crowley commented.

"We'll handle it..." Cst. Brooks said. "And you kids," he glanced at Quirky and Blue Knight. "Be careful. We don't want you to engage in combat and focus on helping people and possible hostages by any chance."

"Understood, Sgt. Brooks." Blue Knight sighed. 

"Let's get it done, yeah?" Kyle hummed.

"A-firm." Crowley replied.

"Sergeant," Brooks spoke. "Heads up, white van." 

"Weapons in view." The male sitting on the right of Kyle, Quirky, and Blue Knight said.

"That's them." Garrick spoke affirmatively. 

"Sus..." Bubbles mumbled at the approaching vehicle on their right side. "This reminds me of those serial killers who work in those ice cream trucks. They kidnap kids, kill them, put them into a meat grinder, extract their blood, and use their blood for meat ice-cream flavor." She commented blankly.

The group stared at Bubbles, who gave her a 'What the hell' look with shock, disturbance, and confusion. "Ma'am, are you okay??" Crowley asked with concern about the disturbing statement Quirky said.

"Damn... you're quite terrifying for someone that young..." Brooks commented. 

"Sabre to Raven, white van, multiple military-age males, weapons visible, moving to intercept." Kyle spoke into the comlink. Everyone stepped out of their van as they went to stop the white van. "Quirky, Blue Knight, you know what do to. Get the civilians to move out of the way." He added.

"Of course, sir!" The girl teen saluted quickly.

"Roger that, sir." The male teen nodded affirmatively. 

"::Roger. Unless an attack is imminent- do not engage.::" The male from the other end warned him.

➶-˚ ༘✶𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬₊˚ʚ ᗢ˚✧ (CoD: MW (2019) x OCs)Where stories live. Discover now