9. The Temple

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"Let's just all be careful."

As the six of you wandered the dim corridors, the scent leaking through the cracks in the walls reminded you of a musty basement. Footfalls echoed through the distance, expanding on the unremitting aura of loneliness hosted within the confines of this old, crumbled building. If you weren't currently surrounded by people, you would have broke and run, merely to escape the uncomfortable embrace closing in around you the farther you walked. It was a mystery how long this place had been abandoned—was it since the Order separated? Was it before then? Was it after?

"If you spot anything, call it out. We don't have a lot of time." Jesse's words made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. What kind of mayhem was going on outside? Surely the Wither was still wreaking havoc, but where? What else had it destroyed? Whose homes had it ruined? Who else had it killed? Part of you had no interest in knowing, but a curious side was quite the opposite.

You hadn't really made any friends throughout the span that you'd been here aside from Jesse, Olivia, and Axel—you never had a need to. Besides, you were sure that no one would have possessed the undying patience to teach you the prospects of this world from square one in the manner that they had. You were beyond grateful to your crew for that. Though, just because you didn't personally know many people didn't mean you weren't concerned for those at the mercy of that monster.

On your left, you spotted a row of strange mechanisms lined up toward your group as you approached. Axel took note of their presence at the exact moment you did. "Isn't it weird how dispensers are carved to look like spooky little faces? What do you dispense, little guy?"

"I...get the feeling that we don't really wanna find out."

"Hold on," you said, grasping Axel's wrist and making him pause his strides before he could walk in front of one. "Aren't...aren't dispensers usually used for traps?"

"Yeah," Olivia responded, glancing at you. "But they need a trigger to actually work. And...I don't see any around here."

"Wouldn't that kinda be the point? Keep them hidden so intruders would unknowingly stumble across them?"

"Y/n's right," Jesse said from ahead, moving noticeably slower—caution had permeated his consciousness. "We need to look closely. There could be pressure plates or tripwires anywhere." A sudden creaking noise prompted every person—and pig—to stop in their tracks. "...Get behind me."

Redstone torches glowed a faint red light and cobwebs hung in every direction, betraying just how old the building was. Your grip tightened on your friend's arm as you warily began to step forward again, following Jesse's lead. All of your muscles stiffened as you passed the dispensers, waiting anxiously for something to come flying out with murderous intent and slay you where you stood, though nothing of the sort happened. Soon, you were sandwiched between two different walls—each one bordered with the potentially fatal machines.

You kept going.

Sketchy sounds put everyone on edge, and it seemed to affect Reuben the worst, as he released a nervous squeal and darted without warning. Jesse shouted after him and the chase ensued; as running was now the top priority for each individual, safety was out the window, which is why nobody paid attention to the pressure plates that were hurriedly pushed amidst the chaos until a wooden gate slammed behind you.

You inhaled a startled breath and jerked your neck back, all sense of previous security you felt at having your friends so near dissipating at the turn of events. You were trapped now.

"That's probably not a good thing," Axel commented, failing to mask the apprehension brimming his tone. The dispensers loudly groaned, as if preparing themselves to work again after years of dormancy. Your group collectively decided that wasn't a good thing. "Aw, come on, dispenser faces! I thought we were friends."

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