3. Unfortunate Discovery

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The way Jesse launched himself off of the slime block and into the glass of the booth was certainly not what one would consider 'graceful', although it did result in the flock of chickens escaping through the sizeable, head-shaped hole, so you supposed it wasn't a complete failure. He landed on his feet at least and didn't hint at the fact that he was injured as the usher rushed forward to aid the chickens' owner in gathering all of them up again in an orderly fashion. He was screaming in fear the entire time, of course, but it was the thought that counted.

The seven of you snatched the opportunity and darted through the—now accessible—gateway and followed the stone path up to the large, dome-like building. To your surprise, there weren't many people inside, likely because Gabriel himself wasn't even present yet. The immediate interior appeared to be constructed mainly out of stained clay, with several lanterns scattered about vertical surfaces to allow everyone sight in the darkened environment, brought on by night.

"Where'd he go?" Petra snapped with a determined gleam, harbored solely by the untameable need for vengeance.

"There!" Everyone's gaze shifted over to where Jesse was pointing; a partially-opened door, leading to what was presumably a basement of sorts. The man standing in front of it glanced back, notably at Jesse and Petra, and offered a look of sadistic malice in the form of a smirk, and disappeared behind the walls. You instantly understood why he was dubbed 'creepy'. His greasy black hair and scraggly beard made your stomach lurch and the sparkle in his eyes brought uncomfortable goosebumps to your skin. All in all, he looked like bad news.

Your group trailed closely behind, only to be halted by a voice, brimmed with curiosity or hesitation, you weren't certain. "What do we do once we catch him?"

You spun around to see Lukas, who had stopped his strides and was facing everyone. His question was valid, however. What were you going to do? Use brute force? Be nice? Be neutral? He stole something, and from Petra, at that. You doubted she'd be on board to merely saunter inside, respectfully ask for what she was owed, and then forgive all offenses.

"There are a million ways to play this. But...considering this isn't my fight, I'll follow your lead."

Jesse's answer was ominous. "Whatever we have to."

"...You're way more intense than I gave you credit for, Jesse."

You shuffled on your feet nervously as your brunet friend confirmed if everyone was ready, shortly before he strolled down the length of the staircase; company mimicked his actions. When you reached the bottom, each person conspicuously peered around the corner to get a glimpse of what awaited you, and you released an internal breath of relief. It appeared to just be a library. An old library with ancient, dust-ridden books. Torches lined the walls, filling the area with a warm yet sinister glow that loomed over your consciousness like a beast waiting to pounce. You spotted faded potions resting against various shelves and wondered if this was also used as an enchanting room at some point in history.

"See anything?"

"He must have gone out another way."

You gradually went in separate directions to assess the area once it was determined that the man from minutes earlier was no longer around. "What is all this?" The question came from Olivia as she ogled at the items found propped on the bookcases. Her tone was suspicious—perhaps even unnerved. At least you weren't the only one.

"Looks like it used to be the basement. Weird place to have a hideout..."

"I'll bet you anything I'll find my Wither skull here." Your brows furrowed at her comment, and you inched nearer to Olivia as she examined a bottle with a dim, pink liquid inside, lowering your voice to a whisper.

Falling [MCSM: Season One, Ep. 1-4]Where stories live. Discover now