2: Flowers, And A Zonai Named Mineru

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(Y/n) found herself in a location that looked vaguely familiar to her. There were water fountains in the area, and a whole arrangement of different flowers near the fountains. She was pretty sure she was in this kind of location before... With Sidon, on their short journey together.

Near the fountain stood those two strangers, Rauru and Sonia, having tea together while sitting on the edge of the fountain, a few Hylians staring at them in awe. (Y/n) noted that they were staring at Rauru in particular, murmuring softly to each other.

Rauru seemed to have noticed their stares, his long ears lowering. He must have felt like a spectacle, the way the others were looking at him.

"I have been here quite a number of times already, yet everyone still looks at me like that." He murmured softly to Sonia, who gave him a sympathetic smile. "It is not everyday a Zonai is seen."

"Even so... I am not quite sure it is just that..." Rauru frowned as his ears would twitch. He appeared... Self conscious, in a way.

"Perhaps, but do not let it bother you." Sonia smiled at him, as she brought her tea cup up to her lips. "Rather, let us continue to have our usual conversations. How has your sister been?" Sonia questioned him, which made (Y/n) perk up. Rauru had a sister? Could she be a Zonai, too?

"From when I last saw her, good. Mineru was busy tinkering with a Zonai device. It is supposed to make traveling long distances much easier. Knowing her, she will succeed, and I'd be able to see her more often in Faron." Rauru smiled softly at talking about his older sister, before he took a sip from his own tea cup.

"How splendid. Maybe you will be able to travel with something besides that peculiar scooter of yours." Sonia giggled softly with a gentle, teasing smile, which made Rauru immediately blush in embarrassment.

This made (Y/n) curious. What was the story behind this scooter of Rauru's that seemed to be so embarrassing? What even was a scooter?

"I-It's a work in progress..." He murmured.

Sonia seemed to want to ease up on him, her eyes going to look around the assortment of flowers surrounding them. "Alright, how about I tell you about how we have found a new type of flower?" She smiled, her eyes going to peer at a lone golden flower that stood out from the rest.

"A new flower?" Rauru perked up, before his blue eyes widened in shock at seeing the golden flower. His reaction did not look like one of someone seeing a simple flower for the first time. It was a look more of disbelief than awe.

Sonia seemed to have caught this, as she looked curiously at Rauru. "Rauru? Is everything alright?" She asked in concern.

He snapped himself out of it, giving Sonia a soft smile. "Y-Yes, my apologies, but it is just... That flower... It's a Sundelion. It's said to only grow in the sky islands, where we Zonai come from." He explained to her, making her nod slowly in understanding. "I see... No wonder you looked so surprised."

She then went to give him a gentle smile, placing her tea cup down on the fountain, with Rauru doing the same. "Then, isn't it quite the marvel how this flower had naturally bloomed here? I have been to this park many times for tea, and yet, this is the first time I have ever seen it. It can't be a coincidence that such a flower would bloom now, a flower you have knowledge of. Perhaps you are responsible for it?" Sonia mused with a teasing smile, causing Rauru's breath to hitch, as he shook his head.

"Not at all. It truly is a mystery how it had came to grow here... This kind of flower is said to need a lot of sunlight." Rauru murmured in wonder, gazing at the golden flower, before his blue eyes then flickered over to Sonia, staring at her for a moment too long.

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