Start from the beginning

All of a sudden, the lunch bell rings. You all jump up and grab your things. "We gotta show him to Mr. Clarke." -Lucas. "No, what if he steals my discovery?" -Dustin. "He's not gonna steal your discovery." -Mike. "You know what, I'm thinking of calling it 'Dustonious Pollywogus' " -Dustin. "That sounds stupid" -You. "You sound stupid" -Dustin. "You sound like an idiot" -Max. "You know, when I become rich and famous for this, don't come crawling back saying, 'Oh my god, Dustin I'm so sorry for being mean to you back in eighth grade.'" -Dustin. "Oh, my god" -Max says, rolling her eyes. "I gotta go to class, see you guys after school to tell Mr. Clarke" -You. "Okay see you" -Mike. "Yeah, see ya, Lee" -Max. Mike rolls his eyes but you choose to ignore it. You speed through your next two classes and find Dustin. He's with Lucas and Max and you're heading to Mr. Clarke's room. 

Dustin hurts into the classroom, pulling you and Lucas as well. "This is the reason I was late to class..." -Dustin says, about to open the hatch for his ghost trapper. "Pretty neat. These doors function?" -Mr Clarke. "Yeah, obviously, but it's not about the trap. It's what's inside. Now, this may very well change your perception of the world." -Dustin. "Consider my interest piqued." -Mr Clarke. "All right, first, let's just clarify that... This is my discovery. Not yours." -Dustin. "Dustin, jesus! Just show him!" -Lucas. "All right, I'm just trying to clarify-" -Dustin. "Dustin!" -Max. "Okay, fine" -Dustin. Just then, Mike comes running through the doors. "Stop! I'm really sorry, Mr. Clarke. It was just a stupid prank" -Mike. "What the h*ll are you doing?" -You. "Yeah, we're about to show him!" -Dustin. "We need to go. Right now. Right now!" -Mike. 

You all race out of the classroom after Mike and into the AV room. Mike shuts the door on Max and she starts banging on the door. "Hello? Hello? Guys, come one. Can I come in yet?" -Max. "No!" -Mike. "I don't understand." -Lucas "What do you not understand?" -Mike. "Will saw something that looked like Dart last year?" -Lucas. "Kind of, but there was no tail." -Will. "But then he heard it yesterday. The exact same sound." -Mike. "Why didn't you tell us before?" -Dustin. "I wasn't sure." -Will. "So it's a coincidence?" -Dustin. "Or not. What if when Will was stuff in the upside down, he somehow acquired true sight?" -Mike. "True sight?" -Lucas. "It gives you the power to see into the-" -You. "Euthereal plane" -Dustin finishes. "Elaborate" -Lucas. "Maybe these episodes that Will keep having, aren't flashbacks. Maybe they're real. Maybe Will can somehow see into the upside down." -Mike. "So that would mean.." -Lucas. "Dart is from the upside down." -Mike. "We have to take him to Hopper" -Lucas. You nod repeatedly. "I agree." -Mike. "No way. If we take him to Hopper, Dart's as good as dead." -Dustin. "Maybe he should be" -Mike. "How could you say that?" -Dustin. "How could you not? He's from the upside down." -Mike. "Maybe, but even if he is, that doesn't make him automatically bad." -Dustin. "That's like saying just because someone's from the death star, doesn't make them automatically bad." -Mike. "We have a bond." -Dustin. "A bond? Just because he likes nougat?" -Mike. "No, because he trusts me!" -Dustin. "He.. Trusts you?" -Lucas. "Man, you gotta admit this creepy bond with Dart is pretty unnatural" -You. "I promised I would take care of him!" -Dustin. The Ghost trapping box starts ratting and making growling noises. Max continues banging on the door. The box flips on it's side and Mike grabs the radio microphone and holds it up. "Don't hurt him." -Dustin. "Only if he attacks." -Mike. "Just open it already." -Lucas. Dustin grabs the remote control for it and opens the trap door. Dart falls out of it with another leg and start making a squelching sounds. "Holy sh*t!" -Lucas. Dart crawls out and grows two, slimy, wet, back legs. "Oh, sh*t!" -Lucas. You make gagging noises and it screeches at you, showing it's opened up face. Mike slams down the microphone and Dustin yells at him but Dart was too fast and runs off the table. It starts crawling to the door and suddenly, the door opens and Dart races out. "Oh, sh*t!" -Mike.

 You all try and run out but Max was in the way and Lucas and Dustin fall onto her. Mike slides on the floor. "Where'd he go?" -Dustin. "What was that?" -Max. "Dart!" -Mike. "What??" -Max. "You let him escape!" -Mike. "Why did you attack him?" -Dustin. "Come on." -Mike. "Don't hurt him!" -Dustin. You all run down different hallways, looking for Dart. You follow Mike into a few hallways. "Mike, do you really think it's some kind of Demogorgon?" -You. "I don't know, but I know it can't be something good. Dustin should be protecting him" -Mike. "Yeah." -You. You wait a few seconds before starting again. "Well, it is kinda cool" -You. "Cool? How is it cool?" -Mike. "It's like having a monster on our side. Imagine training Dart and he becomes a good guy. It'd be like training a storm trooper to be a Jedi. Or getting Darth Vader to be Anakin Skywalker again." -You. "You're starting to sound like Dustin" -Mike. "Whatever" -You. 

You guys keep walking down the hallway and Mike grabs his supercom. "East is clear. No sign of Dart. Where'd you go, you little b*stard" -Mike. You and Mike walk into the empty gym and see the boys bathroom door being opened. You hesitantly walk over and you both walk in. Mike grabs a broom as you guys walk through. You start heating rattling and stuff shifting around. You both turn a corner and see Max. "What the h*ll are you doing?" -Max. "What are you doing? Why are you in here?" -Mike. "Looking for Dart." -Max. "This is the boys' room." -Mike. "So?" -Max. "So you should go home." -Mike says, he drops the broom and storms back into the empty gymnasium. "Mike, come on. She's just trying to help" -You say, following after him. "Why do you hate me so much?" -Max. "I don't hate you. How can I hate you? I don't even know you." -Mike. "But you don't want me in your party" -Max. "Correct" -Mike. "Why not?" -Max. "Because you're annoying. Also, we don't need another party member. I'm our paladin, Lee's our thief, Will's our cleric, Lucas is our ranger, Dustin's our bard, and El's our mage." -Mike. You show obvious annoyance. "El? Who's El?" -Max. "Someone-" -You. "No one." -Mike. "Someone or no one?" -Max. "She was in our party a long time ago. She moved away, okay? It doesn't matter. She doesn't matter." -Mike. "She was a mage? Well, what could she do? Like magic tricks or something?" -Max says, getting on her skate board. "Well, I could be your zoomer." -Max. "That's not even a real thing" -Mike. "Well, it could be." -Max starts rolling in circles around Mike. "See? Zoomer." -Max. "Okay, my turn" -You say and she gets off the board and helps you on. You try to circle Mike like she did. "Wait, help me balance" -You hold your arms out and Mike take hold of them as you start going in circles. "Okay, you're making me dizzy. Please stop" -Mike. "He'll stop when you let me join your party" -Max. "Max, I don't think I can go for that long" -You. "Come one, just stop" -Mike. "It's a simple question. Am I in or out?" -Max. Mike starts smiling and you smile back, still holding onto his hands and going in circles around him. Suddenly, the skate board launches forward and you fall back onto the hard gym floor. "Jesus, are you all right??" -Mike. "You okay?" -Max. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Sorry, I told you I suck" -You. Mike helps you up by the hand and keeps holding on. "That didn't seem like a skill issue. That shouldn't have happened. It looked like something forced the board from under you. That sounds insane, nevermind" -Max. You look straight at Mike, thinking the same thing. El. Mike looks over at the door, with small windows in it. He immediately runs out and looks both ways. You were kind of disappointed in him. He said he didn't love El so why is he being like this? He must've seen the look on your face because he runs back up to you and grabs you hands. "Are you okay? That looked like it hurt." -Mike. "Yeah, uh I think so, yeah" -You. Mike looks behind you to see that Max isn't looking and picking up her board. He gives you a quick peck on the cheek and smiles at you. You smile back and blush a lot. 

The perfect moment is interrupted by Will on the supercom. *guys.. I found him* -Will. *Where?* -Dustin. *In the bathroom. By Mr Salerno's* -Will. *Copy that* -Lucas. All three of you immediately run out of the gym and down a bunch of halls. While running to Salerno's you guys run into Lucas and keep going towards the bathroom. "Down here!" -Lucas. "We're coming" -Mike. Mike shoves the door open and you see Dustin already there. "Where's Dart?" -Mike. "Uh I don't know. Not here" -Dustin. "What?" -Mike. "He said by Salerno's, right?" -Max. "Yeah." -You. "Maybe Will has him" -Dustin. ".. Where is Will?" -Mike. You all look at eachother, worried for your friend.

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