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You're playing while Mike, the dungeon master says "Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows behind you, swallowing you in darkness. It is coming" "what is it?" Your friend Will says. Following him is Dustin "What if its the demogorgon? Oh Jesus, we're so screwed if its the demogorgon". Then your friend Lucas spits out "Its not the demogorgon!". Mike then says "An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!". Dustin and Lucas go back and forth " Troglodytes? " "Told ya" they argue. All of you laugh. Out of nowhere, Mike starts speaking again "Wait a minute. Did you hear that? That... That sound. Boom... Boom... Boom! That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that... That came from something else". 

You then speak up "Oh god oh god" the situation is intense, you and your friends wait, anticipating what Mike will say next. "The demogorgon!". Everyone groans and Dustin says "Aw, we're in deep sh**". You groan as well and complain " Whyyyy?". Mike turns to Will "Will, your action!". Everyone looks at him he says " I don't know!" Lucas yells "Fireball him!" "But I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!" Dustin turns to him "Too risky, cast a protection spell" Lucas responds with "Don't be a p****, fireball him!" Him and Dustin are now arguing. "Cast protection!" Dustin says in a stern voice. You speak up "im gonna go with Dustin on this, the odds are too low, cast protection, Will!". 

Mikes yells " The demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps toward you!, BOOM". "Fireball him!" Yells Lucas once again. "Another Stomp, boom!" Dustin says "Cast protection!". " He roars in anger!" Everyone yells different directions at the same time when Will finally says "Fireball!" He rolls the dice and it falls off the table. Dustin and Lucas remark different things "Oh, Sh**" and "Where'd it go?" "Where is it?", " I don't know!", "is it a 13?", "I don't know!, " Where is it?", "Oh my god oh my god oh my god", " Mike!" You hear from afar while the other are still looking. Then it got louder "Mike!" One more time as the door opens you hear his mom's voice "Mike!". He responds with " Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign!", She says "You mean the end? Fifteen after.". "Oh my god, freaking idiot", " Why do we have to go?". He runs up from the basement and you go with him, and to his mom "Mom, wait, just 20 more minutes!", " its a school night, Michael, I just put holly to bed, you can finish next weekend" she says, clearly not giving up on her word. "But that'll ruin the flow!", " Michael-", "Im serious mom, this campaign took two weeks to plan. How was I supposed to know it would take ten hours?". His mom looks at him, " You've been playing for ten hours?". He walks away, "Dad, don't you think that 20 more-", he gets cut off by his father "I think you should listen you your mother. Dang dumb piece of junk" he says hitting his television. Mike looks at both of his parents and you walk back down the stairs. 

"Oh, I got it!" You hear from Will. "Does a seven count?", " It was a seven? Did mike see it?" Will shakes his head then back to Lucas "then it doesn't count!" They all are putting their jackets on, and so are you, you're scared to go home and know that you're gonna have to sneak in. You walk upstairs and faintly hear Dustin ask everyone if they want the last slice of pizza, as they all say no you see him making his way to Nancy's room. 

You continue walking into Mike's garage with your friends. As Dustin walks in, he says "There's something wrong with your sister" you stifle a laugh. Mike responds with "What are you talking about" "She's got a stick up her butt" Lucas buds in with "Yeah. Its because she's been dating that d*****bad, Steve Harrington" you look at Lucas "Hey man, he's still my brother" he looks at you "Oh right, my bad" "Its cool" you go back to the main conversation and Dustin says "Yeah. She's turning into a real jerk". Mike replies "She's always been a real jerk". While biking away slightly Dustin says "Nuh-uh she used to be cool. Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign" "Four years ago!" Mike yells as Dustin gets further "just saying!" He's then out of sight. The next to go is Lucas he says "Later". You say to mike "See you tomorrow" and wink, he blushes but immediately stops himself. 

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