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You wake up in Mike's basement, well rested and you slowly sit up and look around. You remember everything that happened last night and you rub your eyes. You check the clock and see that it's almost time for school. Mike comes downstairs with a T shirt, jeans and some water. "Once you get changed, then we can go to school on my bike" -Mike. "Okay" -You. You didn't have your bike while going trick or treating nor when you went to Mike's house. You get changed and get ready. Mike comes back to the basement and you guys ride to school. You stop in the woods behind the school and walk the bike instead. People would definitely say something if they saw you riding on the back of his bike. You guys walk up to the front of school and park the bike. You two just hang out in front of your class for a while until the bell rings. 

You sit down in Mr Clark's class and wave to your other friends. "The case of phineas Gage is one of the greatest medical curiosities of all time. Phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmarish accident. A large iron rod was driven completely through his head. Phineas miraculously survived. He seemed fine. And physically, yes, he was. But his injury resulted in a complete change to his personality. So much so, that his friends started referring to him as, 'No longer Gage'. At the time, this was known as the American crowbar case. Although it was a crowba-" --Mr Clark. Dustin bursts into the classroom and Mr Clark pauses. "I am so sorry, Mr Clark. Really, I am so sorry. Please continue with the class. Don't mind me. Really, continue, please. Thanks." -Dustin. He sits down and he puts his stuff down. "Although it was a crowbar, it was a rod as I said." -Mr Clark. Dustin whispers to the party and you all lean in to hear. "We have to meet. All of us. At lunch, AV room." -Dustin. "Why?" -Mike. "I have something that you won't believe." -Dustin. You all nod and look back at Mr Clark. Dustin turnsaround and whispers to Max the same thing. "Dustin!" -Mr Clark. "yes, my lord" -Dustin. "Would you care to join the class now?" -Mr Clark. "Please, yes" -Dustin. "Case of Phineas Gage." -Mr Clark. "Phineas Gage." -Dustin repeats while pulling out his text book. "Page 104" -Mr Clark. "104. 104." -Dustin. "Focus." -Mr Clark. "Focusing" -Dustin. Mr Clark goes back to teaching the class. "He began to curse, using terrible words that I don't dare repeat here." -Mr Clark. You sit in class, listening to Mr Clark until the bell rings, signaling lunch. 

Mr Clark is really interesting and he makes science fun but sometimes school is school and you still want it to be over. You all walk out of your class and towards the AV room. "So, no skate practice?" -Max. "Maybe next time" -You. Everyone drama into the room and Dustin opens his bag. He pulls out his ghost trapper from Halloween the previous night and sets it on the middle table. "What are we looking at?" -Max. Dustin smiles and opens up the hatch."His name's d'Artagnan" He pulls out a slimy creature and holds it in his hands. "D'Artagnon?" -Will. "Cute, right? Dart for short." -Dustin. "And he was in your trash?" -Mx. "Foraging for food. You wanna hold him?" -Dustin. "No, no" -Max. "He doesn't bite." -Dustin. "I don't wanna-" -Max tries to say but gets cut off by Dustin placing Dart in her hands. "Oh, god. He's slimy" -Max. She forces it into Lucas' hands. "Ugh, he's like a living booger." -Lucas. He passes it to you. "Absolutely not, absolutely not." -You say as you put it into Will's palms. He says nothing but makes a grosses out noises as he hands Dart to Mike. Mike holds him up to his face and inspects him. "What is he?" -Mike. "My question exactly." -Dustin.

 He goes back to his backpack and pulls put five dictionary sized books. "At first, I thought he was some type of pollywog." -Dustin. "Pollywog?" -Max. "It's another word for tadpole. A tadpole is a larva state for a frog." -Dustin. "I know what a tadpole is." -Max. "Alright, then you know that most tadpoles are aquatic, right? Well, Dart, he isn't. He doesn't need water to survive."-Dustin. " yeah, but aren't there non-aqautic pollywogs?" -Lucas. "Terrestrial pollywogs? Yup, two to be exact. Indirana Semipalmata. And the Adenomera andaea. One's in India, one's from south America.So how did one end up in my trash?" -Dustin. "Maybe some scientists brought it here, and it escaped?" -Max. "Did you guys see that?" -Mike says, signalling towards Dart. You all look at Dart and see him squirming. "It looks like something's moving inside him" -Mike. He grabs the lamp and point it at Dart. Dart hisses at the light and everyone yelps or jumps back. He almost jump off the table but Dustin catches him. "Woah, it's okay. I got you, little guy.I know you don't like that. It's okay.And there's another thing. Reptiles, they're cold blooded. Ectothermic, right? They love heat, the sun. Dart hates it. It hurts him." -Dustin. "So, if he's not a pollywog or a reptile.." -Lucas. "Then I've discovered a new species" -Dustin. "That's insane though, right?" -You. 

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