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You all stare at her for a bit. You finally decide to speak up "Mike, we should take her to your house, she might know about Will", he responds with "Great idea, Lee" you smile at the compliment but that smile disappears as he puts HER on the back of YOUR bike. He gives her his jacket and you can't help but feel jealous. You ride on the back of Dustin's instead. 

When you make it to Mike's house, you sit her on the basement couch and they all start asking her questions. "Is there a number you can call for your parents?" "Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" "Did you run away?" "Are you in some kind of trouble?" "Is that blood?" Lucas reaches his arm towards her and Mike slaps it away "Stop it! You're freaking her out!" "She's freaking me out!" "I bet she's deaf" Dustin claps in front of her face, and she flinched. "Not deaf". Mike scolds them "Alright that's enough, all right? She's just scared and cold" you can tell how Mike is defending her you're slowly losing hope you barely ever had any because you're both boys and that's really not accepted but you've always had something special with him, you would catch him staring at you, you make eachother blush a lot, and he's always near you, plus she's just some girl you found in the woods, nothing would happen! Right? Mike goes over and grabs some some pants and a shirt from his basket and brings them over to the girl. "Here, these are clean. Okay?" She takes off her jacket and starts lifting up her shirt. "No! No! No!" "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!". " See over there? That's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?" 

Mikes walks her over to the bathroom and partly closes the door. Lucas and Dustin look at you while Mike is talking to the girl. "What?" You say to their accusing looks. "Nothing its just, you might want to tone down your jealousy" Lucas tells you. "What?! No I do not like her we all just met her!", "No dingus we're talking about Mike, we've known you like him since like second grade" you look at Dustin in fear "I don't know what you're talking about!". "Dude we don't care that he's a guy, you two have been very obvious that you like eachother and this girl isn't gonna ruin your years of chemistry." Lucas reassures you and you feel a little better. "I hope you're right." You say as you look at Mike. Mike comes over to you guys and Dustin says "this is mental" you reply with "I agree entirely". Mike says "At least she can talk" to which Lucas says "She said 'no' and 'yes'. You're three year-old sister says more." "She tried to get naked" Dustin cuts in. Lucas says "There's something wrong with her." To which you say "Yeah like wrong in the head." Dustin goes back to the naked situation and says "Yeah she just went like-" and makes the signal of getting undressed. You ignore him and say "I bet she escaped from Pennhurst". Mike looks confused "from where?". Lucas answers for you and says "The Nuthouse in Kerley County." Dustin cuts in and says "You got a lot of family there?" "Bite me." Lucas replies. "Seriously though, think about it. That would explain her shave hair and why she's so crazy." You say to mike while crossing your arms and hunching your back, looking insecure. Dustin cuts in and says "and why she went like" and pretends to lift his shirt up. Lucas says "She's an escapee is the point. She's probably a physco." "Like Michael Myers" you add in. "Exactly. we should've never brought her here." Lucas says. Mike says "So you just wanted to leave her out in the storm?" "Yes! We went out to find will, not another problem." "I think we should tell your mom" you say to Mike. "I second that!" Lucas agrees. "Who's crazy now?!" Mike says to you. "The only way I'm crazy is crazy for you" Mike blushes and smiles at you. It relieves you that he still likes you hopefully. Lucas ignores it and says "How is that crazy?" Mike goes back to what he was saying "Cause we weren't supposed to be out there, remember?" "So?" Lucas says, not getting it. You finish Mike's statement "So if he tells his mom and she tells your mom, and your mom..." "Oh man" Dustin says getting it. "Our houses become Alcatraz" Lucas finally picking up on it. "Exactly, we'll never find Will" Mike says to them. "Alright, here's the plan. She sleeps here tonight." "You're letting a girl-" "just listen! In the morning, she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do. Shell send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she came from. We'll be totally in the clear. And tomorrow night, we go back out. And this time, we find Will." You all look at eachother and Lucas and Dustin have to leave. You ask Mike something "Can I stay at your house? My dad isn't here and Steve won't be back until late, he might even still be in your sister's room. I just don't like being home alone can I just sleep on your bedroom floor?" "Yeah, Ofcourse! You can just come around the front door, explain the situation to my mom, and she'll definitely let you stay!" "Great thanks Mike you're amazing" He blushes before El opens the bathroom door, dressed in warm clothes. You tell Mike "I'm gonna go ask your mom now." "Yeah Ofcourse" he has his attention back on you. You go around to his from door and talk to his mom "Hi Mrs Wheeler! Do you think it's ok if I stay here tonight? My brother is staying the night at his friend's house and my parents are out of town. I just really don't wanna stay home alone while Will is still missing." "Ofcourse dear! You can come right in, Mike is probably in the basement", she calls Mike up and asks if its ok with him. "Yeah! He can sleep in my room." He grabs your wrist and takes you to his room. "I found out her name!" "Oh cool what is it?" "Eleven, or El for short" "Already gave her a nickname I see." You nudge him a bit, while sitting on his bed. "What? No its not like that." He says looking slightly ashamed. "Anyways now we know the plan will work, we'll tell her it in the morning." "So where are you gonna put her?" "Well she's just gonna stay in my basement for now" "oh ok", you say in a disappointed voice. "I'm glad you're staying the night here, I really like your company " mike says looking at you "I like your company too mike" you say blushing at eachother. You decide to just sleep on his bed and you'll just try not to touch him. 

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