Chapter 12: Chain of command

Comenzar desde el principio

She was right. When I look over my shoulder, two flyers are chasing Hiccup.

Midnight flies up all the way till she reaches the clouds. Then she turns left and we almost crash into Krogan.

'Oh, wonderful. You're here. And I see the boy is chasing you, just as planned.'



I look down, I don't see much through the clouds, but I can hear Hiccup yelling. 

'That's it, bud. Climb higher!' Please don't...

'Yeah!' He sounds so relieved and happy. If I wouldn't be so nervous, I would smile at his goofy antics. 

Then I see him flying towards us. Krogan has that sick grin on his face again that makes me want to throw up, he flies forward while Hiccup and Toothless are looking behind them at the flyers that were following them. 

They only notice Krogan when it's too late. 

To avoid a crash, Hiccup pulls Toothless back and they spin through the air. As soon as they are steady, Krogan starts to bully Hiccup, acting like he didn't even expect this and like it's Hiccup's fault. 

'Well, what a pleasant surprise.'

The other flyers catch up and start to fly around Toothless, making sure he can't get away. I see Snotlout and one of the Wingmaiden coming closer. I have to act fast, otherwise, they might get captured too. They don't stand a chance against Krogan right now.

One of the flyers readies his bola, then throws it, knocking Hiccup off Toothless. I pat Midnight on the neck. 'That's our cue girl. Go catch him.'

Midnight dives down at maximum speed and catches Hiccup by his feet. We both look down to check if he's there, and I can't help but smile when I see he's alright. Well, as alright as he can be.

To my surprise, Hiccup actually smiles back. 'Hey there, thanks, any chance you're going to put me back on Toothless?'

I chuckle dryly. 'Your ability to joke in this situation is admirable.'

'Eh, it's called hope, and trust.'

I sit up again and clench my jaw. Then I notice Krogan looking at me. I glare at him and raise my eyebrow. He shakes his head and then flies away. The flyers have captured Toothless in a net and follow after him. While the rest of the flyers distract Snotlout and the Wingmaiden, I follow Krogan as well. 

We're flying back to the Wingmaiden base, where Krogan literally throws Toothless into a cage and then orders me to throw Hiccup in the cage as well. Midnight flies down and lets go of Hiccup, who stumbles into the cage. 

I dismount, cut his ropes with my sword, leave, and close the door behind me. I don't want to see him like this, so I walk away, planning on finding Nugget and going back to Viggo.

Apparently, Krogan has other plans.

'Grimborn, you're on watch duty.'


I look at him in shock. He can't be serious. He still doesn't trust me, but his bully instinct is stronger than his fear of betrayal? What a vile man.

He leaves with the other flyers, leaving me alone with Hiccup.


I ignore him and start pacing around. I'm sure Krogan has left at least one spy again.

'Thyra? I know you said you didn't, but did you-'

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