Chapter 11: New visitors in a dark world, Deku vs Bakugo

Start from the beginning

Fut Yaoyorozu-Bakugo did you check if they are Twice clones or illusions ?

Fut Bakugo-Yeah, yeah miss know it all. They came out of freakin portal.

Fut Melissa and Fut Hatsumi quickly examine Deku. Fut Hatsumi was touching Deku to see any effects happen to him from traveling.

Fut Hatsumi-Wow you body is all muscly and there seems to be no after effects.

Fut Melissa-And his body is sorta weaker.

Deku was getting flustered of being examined and from all the touching. Uraraka was starting to give that jealous look.

Uraraka-Uh, what are you guys doing ?

Fut Hatsumi-Oh where seeing if there's some kind of after effect and uh to see if it's true that you guys came from another dimension.

Uraraka-But did you guys seriously needed to touch him like that ?

Fut Melissa-Well kind of. But how did you guys get into our dimension ?

???-Whats going on here ?

Everyone turned to see a slightly older Uraraka.

Deku-Uraraka it's you.

Uraraka-Wow, I didn't know I look so cool in this dimension.


Piccolo-This is some twisted reality.

Fut Uraraka-Wait Black ? All for One ? How the heck did you get in here.

Fut Bakugo-Don't worry.

Uraraka-Yeah we're from another dimension.

Fut Uraraka-Don't think I'm about to fall for that.

Deku put his hand on Fut Uraraka and showed his memories.

Fut Uraraka-Dah! The heck did you do ?

Deku-Oh I showed you my memories.

Goku-It looked you got the hang of it because she freaked out as well.

Fut Uraraka-But those memories are different. You were sad yes, but your usually happy. Not like the Deku I knew.

Fut Bakugo-Look I get it but you need to let it go. We're lucky to last 3 years since that day happened.

Deku-That's why were here to help. Look I get why you don't trust us but we're possibly your only chance to defeat them.

Fut Bakugo-Your still not convincing me or anyone else you damn nerd. Look how about we battle.

Deku-Why though ?

Fut Bakugo-If your our only chance of winning this then prove it by defeating me in a battle.

Uraraka-Bakugo that's just cra-

Deku-I'll do it.

Uraraka-Huh ?

Goku-Knew it.

Piccolo-Kid got some guts.

Deku-If this is the only you'll help then I'll do it.

Uraraka-Deku are you sure ? You don't have to prove anything.

Deku-I know but after finding out what they did to this world, we need to get help as much as we can. Ok where are we gonna fight.

Fut Bakugo-At the old sports festival tournament.

Goku-Wait Deku. Try to hold back as much as you can. Because Goku Black and probably All for One can sense ki.

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