Chapter 11: New visitors in a dark world, Deku vs Bakugo

Start from the beginning

FutvBakugo looked confused.

Fut Bakugo-Wait this is a trick from Twice. Nice try but you'll never trick me.

Goku-Wow even this guy is intense in this reality.

Goku used the same technique to show Fut Bakugo his memories.

Fut Bakugo-Dah ! Don't touch me !

Deku-Kacchan we're telling the truth.

Fut Bakugo-Prove it. Explain how the portal you came from works.

Deku-Well from what I gathered it's usually light and dark matter mixing and bending reality into a doorway, while also keeping its self stable And...

Deku was talking so much that Bakugo was getting angry and everyone else getting confused.

Fut Bakugo-Shut up you damn nerd. Wait...

Fut Bakugo started to believe what the others said.

Fut Bakugo-Ok, even if I do believe you. How are you guys gonna help.

Deku-That's the thing. We sorta need a base.

Fut Bakugo-Lucky for you I can take to the residence.

Everyone fallowed Fut Bakugo.

Goku-Oh man I'm so hungry, is there food at the base ?

Fut Bakugo-Yes, we're lucky to have enough for 40 more years.

Deku-Kacchan so how's it going ?

Bakugo-How's it going ? Well I woke up in a apocalypse and meeting the old nerd I knew.

Deku-Uh sorry.

Liberation goon 1-Halt Bakugo and Uraraka. And wait All for One and Goku black ? What are you two doing here ?



Deku-We captured them. And now we're heading to their holding cells. And we have a new recruit named Piccolo.

Goku-Yes we caught them in our sparring matches.

Uraraka-Yes. They captured us and we will never tell you guys anything.

Bakugo-Oh just put me out of my misery because I rather be tortured than do this.

Liberation goon 2-Wow I didn't think you get Bakugo to act so pathetic.


Deku-So yeah, anyway where taking to one of the holding cells. So head back to base.

Liberation goon 1-On it sir.

The liberation goons left. Bakugo was giving the death stare.

Fut Bakugo-Don't make me regret this Deku.

Deku-Ok, gotcha.

Everyone made it to the base of the resistance. Everyone talking and strategizing. They were excited to see Fut Bakugo but when they saw Deku and Goku. They immediately went into attack mode.

Fut Bakugo-Wait you dumbasses!!!! This guy isn't Black and this guy isn't All for One.

Everyone-What !?

Fut Iida-If they aren't Goku Black or All for One, then who are they ?

Deku-Who's All for One ?

Fut Tsu-Wait you seriously don't know who All for One is ?

Goku-No, because we're from another universe.

Fut Melissa & Fut Hatsumi-You mean another reality ?

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