Chater 9: The USJ attack, Deku's new transformation

Start from the beginning

Shigaraki-See this is was happens when you try to be like All Might. Don't try to get your hopes up being a hero.

Deku thought-I can't lose. I can't.

Then Deku started to get flashbacks.

(Deku's flashback):

Master Roshi-Work hard, study well and eat and sleep plenty that is the turtle hermit way.

Goku-Stay calm, stay focus and be unexpected.

King Kai-Keep your power in a balanced.

King piccolo-Stupid brat.


Bakugo-Useless Deku.

Nappa-Let's see what the great Kakarot has teach you.

Master Korin-Your smart kid.

Whis-Keep your power inside so you don't lose any of it.

Beerus-Show everyone why your gonna be a hero and next time we meet we we'll fight and you better win.

Mr.Popo-No matter how strong you are there will always be some stronger who comes along. To stay on top you have to pushed beyond what you think is strength.

Goku-Power comes to a need not a desire you have to create that need.

Goku-To be honest Deku could actually be a hero name.

Uraraka-Deku sounds like a hero name to me.

All Might-What true heroes have in common is that their body's move on their own. No matter how dangerous the situation is.

Then a white beam came out of no where. Everyone was shocked as they were about to help Deku.

Shigaraki-What the hell.

Deku was in a white aura

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Deku was in a white aura.

Shigaraki-Nomus hurry and attack him now.

Deku was about kick the 3rd Nomu but it dodged. Then Deku flips back. Then Deku charged at the Nomu but he only grazed it.

Todoroki-Deku may have only grazed it but he did connect.

Uraraka-He's amazing. He's never like this in his blue form. It's not just that he's a lot faster it's more then that. I don't see him transitioning his attacks at all.

Kisrishima-Yeah his dodges seem to be like that as well.

Bakugo-What hell is going on ? I'm watching this with my own eyes and I can't believe what I'm seeing is actually possible. Deku what have you become ?

Shigaraki-That kid doesn't know when to surrender. Nomus hurry and kill him now !

Deku caught both of the Nomus and swung them around the. Used a ki blast destroying the 2nd Nomu.
The 1st Nomu turned around and used rapid fire quirk. Deku was walking towards the 3rd Nomu. Then deflect the rapid fire and used another ki blast destroying the 1st Nomu.

Shoji-This is no everyday power up that's for sure.

Tordoroki-And that reaction speed at such precision.

Mina-This is crazy how's he doing this ?

Mineta-So who do you think has the upper hand now ?

Tordoroki-I think it's to early to tell, that said there was a major power gap between them, and Deku has clearly closed it, and thats not all. The strongest has he become seems he isn't done improving. Every time the Nomu fends him off. Deku response with a faster,sharper,harder strike.

Kurogiri-I'm speechless, I never imagined anyone can push the Nomu this Far.

Shigiraki-What the-How is this happening!

Goku teleported with Iida.

Goku-What the heck is going on ? Iida came told everyone what was going on. And I came as soon as I can because I sense divine energy.

Iida-What's going on with Midoriya.

Uraraka-I don't know. Goku do you know what's going on ?

Goku went to see what's going on.

Goku-It's amazing. I hoped for this. I gotta be honest I didn't think Deku would achieve it this early.

Tau-So you know what's going on ?

Goku-Yes I believe so. I've been trying to steer him towards this forever. It's a divine power that can transcends the Gods. It's too difficult to unlock it. And I thought I was the only one to unlock it. But it turns out Deku was able to unlock it with only a few months of training.

Deku-It's time to finish it right now.

The 3rd Nomu tried to use a energy beam but Deku hovered over it with a kamehameha. And blast it. Deku landed and turned to Shigaraki. But then he fell to his knees as purple mist came out of it. And the white aura faded away.

Goku-Oh no he just reached his time limit.

Shigaraki-Kurogiri where are the others.

Kurogiri-I kept hearing that a person with red hair came out of nowhere and knocked them out.

Shigaraki-No matter Android 19 time to prove yourself and kill that kid.

Android 19-Understood.

Android 19 charged at Deku. Before Goku got a chance to move he senses someone. Someone grabbed Android 19s arm. Then Android 19 made a traumatized face.

???-Miss me ?

Then Android 19 was launched in the air.

???-Big bang attack.

Class 1-A-Who the heck is that guy ?

Deku and Goku-It's Vegeta.

Next time on What if Goku trained Deku. Hey guys it's me Goku. Wow Vegeta is gonna teach UA. And it seems me, Deku and Uraraka are gonna be on a mission from Zeni. Let's take on these dark forces. And I think it's time to tell everyone about the tournament of power. Next time on what if Goku trained Deku. Vegeta trains Class 1-A, A new dark force approaches. Don't miss it ok.

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