1 •-Vending machine-• 1

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The best way of describing just how Dulce aveline felt after doing an entire all nighter to prepare for another test which was barely worth anything, but the feeling of seeing that A+ on the piece of paper gave Dulce a sense of satisfaction that she could never achieve simply being coddled at home.

Dulce walked through the empty halls at around 10:32 PM, a forged hall pass in her hand- that for some reason the teachers wouldn't question at all as long as they could see it before their eyes. She wanted a snack from one of the old and slightly rusted vending machines stuck in the 'storage' rooms, the school had removed them due to complaints of the parents claiming it was unhealthy to allow students to simply get snacks from it whenever they were in passing period.

Dulce sighed as she barged into the 'storage' room and began to check her pockets for any cash she had on her at the moment, she could never remember just how much the vending machines costed depending on snack or drink. Dulce grabbed a dollar bill and inserted it to the vending machine- jammed. The vending machine took her dollar, got it jammed and now wouldn't work.

It took her a second to figure out the machine was stuck while she desperately clicked at the buttons, when she realized, she grunted as she almost immediately start to shake the machine in annoyance. Her last dollar, now gone with now reward.


She turned around quickly- which was a bad idea considering the lack of sleep and water she's consumed got to her and made her dizzy, seeing phosphenes as she squinted and saw a tall figure- too tall. She panicked for a second before the figure slammed his hand- smacked? He hit the vending machine with his hand and with the vibration of the hit and force the snack that Dulce so desperately wanted was thrown down and made to hit the basket of metal at the bottom for the machine. Dulce bending down to snatch it up almost immediately. Old and possibly stale but still decent regardless and the best she'd get. She mumbled out a simple thank you to the "Male".
The male student eyes widened, saying something unintelligible..

Or at-least that's what Dulce heard, was he French? He was pale enough to fit the standard she thought, so she brushed it off as the male figure grabbed her hand, embracing it into a enclosed handshake and shaking it rapidly, letting go after a few too-long seconds. Dulce's eyes were heavy, like two huge sandbags were weighing down on each of her eyes as she simply thought she wasn't thinking straight and brushed off his "introduction" as something normal.

Dulce was leaving the 'storage' room- how tall was that man? He was tall.. about ten ft? Over exaggerating, maybe six ft? Dulce's mind kept going over the interaction thinking that maybe she was the weird one there, walking back to her dorm unknowing of the figure always behind, but never close.

Word count: 522 words EXACTLY.

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