chapter three

11 1 21

it's nice to have a friend

instagram dms

Before you block me, could
you please hear me out?

what the fuck could you possibly
have to say to me, lincoln?

I'm sorry. Okay? I feel bad
for outing Olive, it was a shitty
thing for me to do. And everything
I said to you last year.

you know, alana liked you SO much
that i never told her about you relentlessly
bullying me online

and you still ended up treating
her like shit

I know. I feel awful. The reason
I started liking your posts was because
I was hoping we could be friends.

I wanted to move past all this.

what's the catch??

No catch!

alright... fine. but to be
clear, we're not friends

i won't block you and i'll
answer your messages out of
politeness but i will only become
your friend once i have good solid proof
that you have changed. deal?



Dylan walks into the coffee shop, stepping up to the counter and not looking up at the barista.

"Uh... can I get one of those fall drinks?" Dylan questions, "Like the pumpkin one."

The barista probably nods her head, but Dylan is not paying attention, "Thanks for that incredibly not specific order... Dylan?"

Dylan looks up. It's Robin.

"Holy shit, you were at the Halloween thing!" Robin chuckles, "You were my lover! I mean, you're cute, so I guess I don't mind."

Dylan laughs, "Thanks. You work here?"

"Yeah," Robin nods, "Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Taking a gap year."

Dylan understands, "Yeah, I get that."

"So... are you single?" Robin asks. He just stares at her. "Calm down, I'm not hitting on you, I'm just curious," Robin laughs softly.

Dylan shakes his head, "Single. Yeah. I'm single, right now, at least."

"You want my number?" Robin shrugs, "Maybe I can fix that."

Dylan smiles, "...Yeah."

Robin grabs a napkin and a pen from behind the counter, writing down her number and handing it to him.

He takes the paper, "Thanks."

Robin nods, "Of course. I'll get your... pumpkin drink?"

Dylan laughs, "Thank you."


Phoebe stares at the frog in disgust.

"I don't wanna touch it," Phoebe scrunches up her nose, but Olive is already digging around in the dead frog.

"It's fine, it's not gonna jump on you." Olive chuckles, "I get that it's probably gross to look at, but you'll be okay."

"Do you do this often?" Phoebe says, trying not to gag, "You seem to be a natural."

"I save animals," Olive shrugs, "Kind of. I used to volunteer at shelters a lot. I sent angry DMs to companies that test on animals. I don't think any of them could ever gross me out."

Phoebe smiles, "That's actually really cool."

"Thanks," Olive chuckles, "I try."

Phoebe looks over to Shawn, who is giving her this look like; Are you flirting with my sister right now? If so, stop!

Phoebe sighs and looks back at Olive.

She's faced with the realization. Phoebe definitely likes Olive. Shit.

A/N: robin is flirting?? omg!! i thought dylan liked tom 😈

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