Chapter Seven

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"And where do you think you're going?" Hermione asked Harry. The three Gryffindors were having a walk along the grounds, where they saw Mattheo and Hunter sitting by a stone statue. As they passed by Harry started walking towards the couple before Hermione made her question.

"I'm just going to see her, I need to talk to her," Harry responded. Hermione and Ron sighed at him, speed walking to catch up.

"Do you not remember what Nott and Malfoy said to you, Harry? And now Riddle is there too!" Hermione asked as they got closer. 

"Yep, but she's my sister what are they going to do?" Harry said only a couple of feet away from the couple.

"Potter, what are you doing here? Did you not understand us well enough a week ago?" Mattheo said as he turned to the voices, seeing exactly what was happening.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Hunter asked, turning around, still holding onto Mattheo's hand, her grip getting tighter and tighter as the few fleeting moments passed by.

"I need to talk to Hunter, about something Professor Lupin offered," Harry said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah? What's that?" Mattheo asked, not wanting his girlfriend to have to stand up to her brother.

"Something private, Riddle. She's my sister I just need to talk to her." Harry demanded. He didn't care about Mattheo and grabbed Hunter's arm which was still squeezing Mattheo's hand and pulled her away, her fingers slipping out of Mattheo's. Harry didn't go too far away from the group, assuming Riddle would come after him if he did, maybe 20 feet away.

"What, Harry?" Hunter asked, coldly.

"That's not the greeting I was expecting," Harry stated.

"Well, what were you expecting after everything that's happened between us since school started?" She asked, still coldness in her voice.

"I don't know, but that just wasn't it," Harry said, silence fell above them as the clouds covered the sun up. "Anyway, I wanted to let you know that Lupin offered us lessons. Private lessons."

"Lessons for what?"

"How to defend ourselves against dementors," Harry said quietly. Hunter nodded.

"When?" She asked.

"Don't know yet, he said when he could find the time he'd tell us." He replied.

"Well, are you sure I'm invited? Seeing as he only asked you and we have all classes together?" She asked.

"Yeah, he offered on Halloween after I left you." Hunter nodded, without saying anything. "Well I'll leave you be, but one of us will let you know, and you better be there. Make sure to tell your bodyguards that Lupin will be there so you'll be fine." Harry said, leaving before she could respond. Mattheo snaked an arm around her waist as soon as Harry was a couple of feet away.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"Harry said that apparently, Professor Lupin offered us private lessons to defend ourselves against dementors." She responded.

"Are you going to go?" Mattheo asked. Hunter shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not sure, I probably will though. It's a chance to learn this, it's probably not going to be taught in class, plus it seems to be an issue that could occur this year. A teacher is going to be there, I'll be safe." Hunter said she wasn't sure how Mattheo was going to react to it.

"Yeah, that is true. I think you should do it, it would be super important. With Lupin there it's not too much of an issue on Harry." Mattheo said. Hunter nodded again. "Plus then you can teach me later." He added, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing, causing her to laugh with him as well.

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