Chapter Two

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To say word had spread around the school in the past week was a little bit of an understatement. Basically everyone know that the girl who lived and Lord Voldemort's son were now dating. 

"Hey, Mattheo." Megan Jones, a Hufflepuff, greeted during study hall in the Great Hall. She put her hand on his shoulder and smiled, sitting down on one side of him, where Hunter was on the other, not really paying attention.

"Um hi? Who are you?" He asked, taking one of her fingers and taking her hand off his shoulder. This to which she immediately put her hand on his thigh.

"I'm Megan, from Hufflepuff. You're really cute, Riddle." She spoke, and once again he took one of her fingers and took it off his thigh. She kept trying to touch him and every time she tried, he moved her hand away, making it obvious that he was done with her and this conversation. 

"Yeah, my girlfriend thinks so too." He said, in a monotone voice, now looking away from the conversation. Mattheo saying 'girlfriend' made Hunter's head turn to the conversation, her eyes immediately going wide at the sight in front of her. 

"Yeah but you could do better than a Potter." Megan told him, she looked at Hunter mid sentence, smirking while she did so. 

"Who the bloody hell even are you?" Hunter asked, finally chipping into the conversation. 

"I'm Mattheo's future girlfriend." Megan told the couple still smirking, while they both looked shocked.

"You fucking bitch, get the fuck out of my face! Don't you dare ever say shit like that ever again! I didn't even fucking know you existed before 3 minutes ago and I wish it stayed like that!" Mattheo yelled at her, standing up as he made a scene. Megan didn't say another word, she just ran off back to the Hufflepuff table. Mattheo sat back down at his seat and slammed a fist on the table. He ran a hand through his hair, and put the other hand on Hunter's thigh. 

"That was hot baby." Hunter said, kissing his cheek and putting her head on his shoulder. 

"He's been sighted he's been sighted!" Seamus Finnigan yelled, running into the Great Hall with a news paper. 

"Who?" Ron asked.

"Sirius Black!" Seamus answered. Hunter perked her head up and ran over to the Gryffindor table where all the commotion was happening. She and her brother got the warnings about him and how he'd wanted to find them and kill them. To finish what he and Voldemort started 12 years ago. 

"What's going on?" Hunter asked as she reached the table with her brother and his friends. 

"Black's been sighted in Dufftown, that's not far from here." Hermione answered, sounding worried for her friends. 

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts? Do you?" Neville asked the group.

"With dementors at every entrance?" Parvati asked.

"Dementors? He's already slipped past them once! Who's to say he won't do it again?" Seamus responded, he had no care in the world for the two Potter's standing next to him that he would be hunting down. 

"That's right, Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." Another boy, Hunter didn't know the name of, said. Harry picked up the newspaper and looked at the moving picture of Sirius Black, then giving it to his sister. 

"What do you think?" Harry asked her quietly.

"That we're screwed." She answered bluntly. "I wish I could say something else but if he's that close, we're screwed." Harry hung his head back and shut his eyes tightly, reaching an arm out for his sister to hug him. She gladly went into his grasp and the twins just held each other for a minute or two. 

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