Safety: breached

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Screams.. weapons clashing.. yelling..

That was all the young princess, Silus, could hear. I mean.. that would be what you hear during a war.. and that was exactly what was happening. This war had started a few weeks ago, the Eutharial being war was between two species, the Eutharians and the Interstellar beings.

Silus was aged five, before the war she was having the time of her little life, being a princess and all. The war started immediately, the Eutharians and Interstellar beings hated each other, Silus didn't know why. Maybe the Interstellars in the dungeon did know why.. Silus wasn't allowed down there though, she was far too young. Her hands were trembling at the screams she could hear.

Her only friends worked at the palace and were over the age of 19, so they had to fight in the war. They were probably dead by now. Sent to the depths of earth. How did she know all this at five? Well the Eutharians were going to be the ones starting the war, The Interstellars beat them to it though.

She was crying, silently of course, but her eyes still became red, she was quietly sitting in her library, she was told to stay here and just ignore the sounds outside. She couldn't do that. They were loud. Although she had noise canceling headphones, they did nothing. She heard everything. She heard the confusion, the cries of those who lost their friends in battle.

When someone screamed, her fear deepened. The screams were agonizing. They tortured her brain, and her heart hurt. She wanted to escape these terrible sounds. Oh, how she wished she could rip her ears off. She stood up and only now did she realize her entire body was shaking. She wiped her eyes with her sleeves and walked out. She went to go get her cloak, and since she's five and has a mindset of not knowing much, she left the palace.

It was cold out, and from outside she could fully see the war that was going on. Destroyed buildings, corpses, everything she saw traumatized her. So.. she ran. She ran and ran. She saw no citizens or soldiers until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned around and saw who it was, they were glowing and the whites of their eyes were black.

And before she knew it, she was knocked out.

When she woke up she was in a cell, many other Eutharians were also there. Yes, they were corpses, but they were still there.

"THE PRINCESS OF THE RUINED IS IN HERE" someone yelled and there was a group of glowing beings that were glowing all different colors, the Interstellar beings. Silus was paralyzed with fear.

Her cell opened and she was dragged out, her wrist was gripped and it hurt. Really bad. She cried, everyone stopped walking and she got a fireball to the hand.

She looked at the one who threw the fireball, it was a girl with an orange glow. Silus saw those dark eyes narrow at her, then the fireball girl turned around and kept walking. Then everyone else kept walking. What did I do..? Silus thought, she felt despair. She felt that she would probably die here. That wouldn't be so bad though.

Her hand was burned, that hurt more than the grip on her wrist. But she was too afraid to cry again. Too afraid to make a sound. So she had to endure the pain.


They stopped walking, the one who had her in their grasp was someone with a green glow, they brought her to an interrogation room, "Tell us everything you know." Someone with a blue glow said, with a hateful tone.

Again, Silus was only five, she didn't know much. So she said "I don't know anything—"

"WE KNOW YOU KNOW SOMETHING, PRINCESS!" The one with the blue glow said, Silus didn't know their names and each of them had a different glow, so she just called them by their glow until she –somehow– learned their names.

She honestly didn't know anything.. except..

"ALL I KNOW IS WE WERE GOING TO BE THE ONE STARTING THE WAR BUT YOU GUYS BEAT US TO IT!!" She screamed, fearing that she would get hurt again.

Everyone looked at someone with a white glow and the one with the green glow said "I thought you said.. the ruined started the war..."

The one with the white glow's expression was calm as she said "They did. They were thinking of starting it, I just beat them to it to get the troops ready."

There was a slight change in the fireball girl's expression but it was subtle.

"Enough questions, get this mistake of a princess out of here, put her back in her cell." The one with the white glow said.

At her command the fireball girl took Silus back to her cell.

"..Miss, why did you guys take me..?" Silus asked hoping for an honest answer, but the fireball girl didn't respond. Silus was afraid to ask more.

She went back to her cell, as obedient as a servant.

She wouldn't have anyone to talk to, she didn't even know if she would get out of here. She even thought she would die here. She was afraid of everyone there.

Five days later.

She heard footsteps, and the Fireball girl stood near her cell. Silus didn't really care, after days of 'information' getting beat out of her, but she couldn't help but listen.

"What have you called me here for this time?" A familiar voice says.

"Supernova, I know you've said no but it wasn't her species that started the war, it was you! But what if we—" Fireball girl said, but she got cut off immediately.
"We aren't freeing that disgrace of a princess." 'Supernova' said, but fireball girl said

"But—" She got cut off again.

"Ask me ONE MORE TIME and that apprentice of your's will be a star in the night sky."

Silus heard the honestly not needed ball gown ruffling away. The fireball girl looked at the cell Silus was in with a look of empathy. But the fireball girl immediately turned stone face. And walked away.

Silus was confused. An interstellar being wanted to set her free? How could that be possible? She had to think about this for a while before the blue one walked up to the cell and glared at Silus and she shrunk back in fear.

But the blue one immediately walked away.

Silus couldn't stop thinking about what the fireball girl ment, due to the fact that Silus was indeed five years old still.

Why did she wanna set me free..?

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