162 9 2


July 18th, 2027


Well, I can officially say that this trip is going all according to plan.

I'm in Cebu, and currently enjoying yet another day outside in a pool.

You know, according to my skin. I might be getting that tan I've been dreaming of having for years.

But for now, I'm just enjoying my day at the pool. Swimming around, even about to enjoy a drink at the swim up bar.

Now I'm not really a person who drink alcohol. But luckily they have options with no alcohol in it.

So...sitting in the pool at the bar is pretty nice. Unless if you spill your drink in it that is. But, hopefully I'm not that clumsy to do that.

"I'll have a strawberry mango mock tail please" I then said, getting the attention of the staff member.

She asks for my key card and I give it to her. She takes it and process it before she confirms my order.

Cool thing about this hotel, you can put money in your key card and just pay with it. It's a pretty convenient way for me since it's less stuff I need to carry around.

"Pretty nice day outside, isn't it?" A voice then says next to me.

I turned towards the voice, before seeing who spoke. A man, with black hair.

"Yeah, but so hot!" I then said, turning my body towards him.

"Tell me about it!" He then says "I'm Emory by the way! What's yours".

"Judah, it's nice to meet you" I then said, starting to trust him "what brings you here".

"Vacationing, just wanted to get the chance to see this part of the world" he then says "I'm also going to do some photo shoots".

"Oh wow, what are you? A model" I then asked, intrigued and curious.

"Not really, I'm just an social media influencer" he then says.

"Woah! That's really cool" I then said, impressed "you must have a lot to get modeling jobs. If you don't mind me asking...how many do you have".

"Quite a lot...about forty million" he then says, smiling "but before you say that's a lot. I'm not even close to the OG influencers or the other popular influencers. They have many more then me".

"Yeah, but that's still a lot for me" I then said, before I realized my drink was in front of me.

I picked it up, and then I took a sip. Really good mock tail.

"Anyways, again...that's still a lot for me" I then repeated "I can't even get to the hundreds".

"Hehe, yeah it takes a lot of effort to get to that level" he then says "I started this whole thing at nineteen. And I didn't really think it would get this far...but I did".

"Um...if you don't mind me asking" I then said "how old are you".

"I'm twenty four" he then says, seemingly proud of his age.

My Little Human Mate (MxM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz