It's okay

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Tw: some gore, self-harm, giving up, language, mega Solangelo cuteness. What can I say ppl? it's boutta get angsty MEGA BURNING MAZE SPOILERS!!

So basicallyyyyyy i'm gonna stop on the christmas oneshots for a smidge and write a different one!! This is gonna be Nico comforting Will bc most oneshots r mainly the other way around and I wanna b :) Different :) so i'm gonna do it this way! Thanks for all the reads u guys are amazhang!!! Hope you enjoy <3

Will's POV:

"WILL! GRAB THE GAUZE AND AMBROSIA!" I ran across the room and scrambled to get what Michael asked for. I ran back to him. he took the supplies and started working furiously on Lee. "Hold his arms." I watched Michael roll the gauze over the wound on his stomach. Then, I broke off a chunk of ambrosia and fed it to Lee. He started CPR. The gauze wasn't holding the blood in, so it was getting everywhere. I stepped back as blood covered the floor and started filling up the room. "Michael! We have to get out of here!" He was too busy sobbing and giving CPR to hear me. I ran towards the door and pulled on the handle. Snap! I fell back into the blood. I tried to get up, but suddenly Michael was standing in front of me. I gasped. Not Michael, Michael's corpse. "this is your all your fault. You couldn't save ANY of us. You let us die"

More corpses appeared next to him. Kayla, Cecil, Lou Ellen, Meg Mcaffery, Austin. I choked back a sob. Nico. My angel. Standing there, Lifeless. Hate in his eyes. No! These people are alive! This is just a nightmare! I tore my gaze away from my precious Nico, and I scanned the rest of the corpses. Lester. alive, reyna. alive, alive, alive, alive. Dead. Dead. There he was. Jason Grace. Dead as ever. (Lets just pretend Will was there for that and couldn't save him) I shook my head. "This can't be" I looked up at all of them. The blood kept rising. "It was your fault Will Solace. Don't forget that. EVER!" Cold hands grabbed my arms from under the blood, and pulled me in. I struggled for a minute. Your fault. Your fault. Lee, Michael, Jason. Your fault. So I let myself drown. As I sunk, Memories flashed around me. Laughing with Nico, playing capture the flag with Michael, Jason yelling "SHIP"at the top of his lungs and running away whenever me and Nico held hands. Cecil and Lou making me laugh whenever I had a tough day in the infirmary. My dad saying he's proud of me in the body of a 16 year old. I felt happy for a delicate moment, then of course, it turned dark and sad. Nico glaring at me and walking off, Michael's blood covering my hands, Jason's eyes going blank and his skin turning cold, Cecil and Lou yelling at me to go away when I tried to sit with them during training. My dads life force slowly being drained. I stood there, helplessly watching as everything I'd ever loved slowly crumbled into nothingness.

I woke up screaming. and quickly covered my mouth to muffle my sobs. "Will? You okay?" It was Kayla. Kayla! She's alive after all! "Yep! I'm good, just a nightmare sorry!" I heard shuffling "It's okay." I waited 10 minutes to ensure everyone was asleep before I got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my razor blade. I pressed it down on my skin, feeling the familiar sting. I thought for a second. Before I decided who this first cut would go out to. Michael. I should've saved him but i'm too weak. Slit. Another cut, Nico. I don't deserve him, I'm a murderer. Cut, Jason. Cut, Cecil and Lou. Cut, Austin and Kayla. Cut. Cut. Cut. I looked down at my arm after a bit to see the damage I had done. "Shit." There was about 20 cuts lining down my arm. I deserve it though. I quickly cleaned the cuts and threw some bandages over them. then I walked back into the main room, I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep after that, so I decided to go outside. "Hopefully the harpies will get me." throwing on a hoodie, I walked outside into the night. Auntie Artemis was shining brightly onto the grass. There were no harpies in sight, dang. I aimlessly wandered, until I found myself infront of the Hades cabin. Sighing, I trudged away. About four inches/steps later, I heard my name being called. "Will? Is that you?" I froze. I turned to see Nico standing on his porch with his arms crossed. "Um. No?" I turned to try to walk away, but Nico grabbed my arm, making my wince. A look of concern crossed his beautiful face. "Are you okay?" I realized how bad I must look. I'd been crying the past 45 minutes, I just had the worst nightmare of my life, and I had revisited self-harm even though I swore to myself I would never do it again. And yet, I nodded. "Never better! In fact, why don't I just go back to the Apollo cabin? And then I can pretend I'm fine for all the younger kids, and I can sleep in my dead brothers bed because I couldn't save him!" My eye twitched. Nico looked slightly scared. "Ooookayyy. I have an even better idea! How about you sleep in my cabin tonight?" He didn't wait for an answer and instead, he grabbed my arm again and pulled me inside. We went over to a bunk and he sat me down. "What's up sunshine?" He knows somethings wrong "Nothing Death boy." my breath hitched at the mention of him and being dead. I looked away when he started studying me. He put two fingers under my chin and tilted my face towards his. "You can talk to me Will. You know that right?" He took my hands, accidentally putting pressure on one of my cuts again. I flinched and pulled away.

"Will? What happened to your hand?" My breathing quickened. Out. I needed to get out. "I-I have to go." I stood up and started speed walking to the door. But Nico quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to the bunk. "Give me your arm Will" he held out his hand. I shook my head "I c-can't." Nico let his arm drop. "Why not? I need to know whats going on so I can help you." I shook my head again. His gaze got sterner. "One more chance Will, or I'm gonna have to figure it out myself." I backed away as far as the bunk would let me. Nico sighed "Okay fine. I'll do it myself." I tried to dodge his lunge, but he was too fast. He pinned me down and grabbed my arm. He rolled up my sleeve. When he saw the bloody bandages he looked at me, horrified. "Why didn't you tell me you were INJURED" He didn't know I did it yet. Nico kept talking about how he needed to give me fighting lessons so this wouldn't happen again while he unwrapped the gauze. But his voice faded when he saw the cuts. Tears welled in his eyes. "Why would you do this to yourself?" Nico looked at me "You have nothing to be guilty about." I tried to hold in my tears, but then I thought about Michael, and my guard crumbled faster then my happiness. A sob ripped through my throat. "I couldn't save them Nico! Michael, Lee, Jason! They're all dead because of me!" My mind flashed back to that horrible day, when I'd done everything I possibly could and still failed. I tried to scratch the wounds back open, but Nico pinned my wrists to my sides. His face was streaked with tears. "Will, that wasn't your fault. They weren't coming back. You've saved so many other lives. The fates just decided their time was up. there wasn't much anyone could do." I started crying harder "I'm a murder! I deserve to die!" I squirmed to try to break his hold. The guilt was so much I could barely breath. My mind started to go dark. I let myself sink down. Off to the fields of punishment at last. I could almost hear the screams of the tortured souls, but then I was yanked out of the dark emo-ness by something warm pressed against my lips. I opened my eyes and found Nico was kissing me. I kissed back, and Nico pushed me against the wall. We continued kissing until we ran out of air and had to pull away. "Please stay" Nico said through gasps "We can get through the guilt together." I nodded and smiled "I'll stay" Then I kissed him again.

The ennddddd 1,485 words!!! weeeoww! hope u guys likeddd :) I didn't read over it so I hope its okay. see ya next time!


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