Christmas pt. 3

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yes yes I KNOW i'm obsessed with this xmas series thing BUT I CAN'T HELP IT!! Hope you all enjoy! (theres prolly gonna be a pt. 4 lmao) LETS CONTINUE!!! Tw: some offensive slurs, language

Nico's POV:

After we bought our skates, we went back to Camp. "Welcome back children! that was over an hour so you have dish duty and trash duty, have fun skating!" Chiron said all this super cheerily, and smiled when we all groaned. Then he trotted off to torment some other campers. Jason grabbed the bag of skates "well, we might as well enjoy this while we can."

Piper, Jason, and Will got their skates on no problem. Me however, not so much. I mean how are you supposed to tie skates? I can barely tie my shoes! I struggled with the ties until I heard someone skate up to me. "You don't know how to tie ice skates death boy?" I glared up at Will. "Shut up Solace! And for your information, I can tie them just fine." I looked back down and glared even more when I saw the damage I had done. Who needs their skates to be tied anyways? I got up from the snow and stepped onto the ice. I tried to shuffle towards Jason, but I ended up falling backwards into the snow again. I created a mini avalanche and a bunch of snow fell on my head. Will started laughing hysterically. I waited about five minutes for him to stop. After he wiped his tears away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the snow. "We DO NOT speak of this." I put a finger over his lips and looked at him sternly. He said something, but it was muffled by my finger. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to a different pile of snow. "Sit down, I'm tying your skates."

After he showed my how to tie those contraptions, he got up and started to skate around. Me, being the brave person I am, crawled onto the ice. Then I slowly worked my way to my feet. "Neeks! Come over here!" I saw Piper standing by a patch of black ice. I heroically shuffled over. "what?" Piper grinned "Watch this!" She skated back a little ways then turned around. She started skating towards the patch of ice so fast, her feet were just a blur. Right before she went over it, she dove. Then she slid across super fast and rammed into a snowbank. "It's super fun! you should try it." I shook my head "I'm okay." Piper groaned "Your no fun! pleaaasseee?"

"Piperrrr!! I can't" She pouted "Why not?" I sighed for the 100th time that day. "Becauseeeee I don't know how to skate!" She froze "WHAT?!?!" I shrugged "I don't know, I just never learned." She skated over to Will, and the next thing I knew he was giving me lessons. "Okay! So basically, you're just gonna push off with one foot, then let your self glide for a second, then push off with your other foot." he demonstrated. I tried to copy but just ended up falling. I looked up to see Will offering his hand. I blushed but took it. "How about we try this, hold onto my arms then try doing the movements again." I took his other hand and tried again. I got a few feet before I fell, pulling Will down with me. He fell on top of me, and for a moment, we just stayed there, staring into each others eyes. But Piper HAD to ruin the moment. "Okay love birds! It's getting awkward for the rest of us! Move it." Will blushed and pushed off me. My face was probably red as Dakota's Kool-Aid. "Shall we try that again?"

By noon I was a pro skater. And by pro, I mean I could skate around the rink without falling every 5 seconds. "Anyone wanna get some food? I'm starving" Jason asked. We all nodded and went to take our skates off. I went to change in the hades cabin quick, because I had gotten soaked ice skating. We all met up at the dining pavilion. "Okay change of plans you guys, me and Jason are going to have a little picnic in the Aphrodite cabin, so you guys can do what you want." Piper shot me a look saying This is your chance! TAKE IT I rolled my eyes. After they left, me and Will stood in silence. Then he snapped his fingers. "I got it! Lets grab some food, then I have a place we can go." I shrugged "Okay." I grabbed what I wanted, then met up with Will. "Follow me!" He walked towards the training grounds. I was confused for a second, but once we got there I understood why. "Wow" I never noticed the amazing view, probably because when your at training, your only focusing on beating the crap out of people. But I don't know how I never noticed THIS view. There were snow covered hills surrounding the lake, with a small valley running through the middle. Trees took up all the space on the bottom of the hills, but streams of sunlight still shone through, leaving a beautiful reflection on the water. "Isn't it beautiful?" I jumped realizing Will was still beside me. "I thought this would be a good picnic spot." He looked over at me, the sun made his hair look golden. I realized that what he had just said was a question. "Uh, yeah! It's so pretty, I didn't realized how pretty it was over here! like It's super duper pretty." I internally face-palmed at how many times I had said the word pretty. But Will just laughed. It echoed around the lake. "Lets eat!" We talked for a while, then Will suggested we play a game. "We should play 20 Questions! Get to know each other better." I nodded "One little thing though Solace, how do you play?" (I don't know how to play this so i'm just gonna like make them ask each other a question and they have to answer truthfully.) He explained the game. "I guess that makes a little sense." Will smiled "I'll start! Ummm whats your favorite color?" "Green." I answered "It reminds me of Bianca, my turn! Whats your favorite band?" He thought for a moment "Probably Twenty-One Pilots" I was surprised "Really? I thought you would say Taylor Swift or something." He shook his head. "Nope! Twenty-One Pilots is my jam!" I laughed "Okay sunshine, your turn." Will raised an eyebrow "Sunshine? Thats a new one." "Just ask the question Solace." We kept playing until we got to the 20th question (Lets just pretend Will got the 20th) "this last one's deep, are you okay with that death boy?" I shrugged "Depends on what it is" Will blew some hair out of his eyes "Okay, It's a weird one. Whats you're sexuality?" I froze. what?!? Will sighed. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I just wanted to ask." I closed my eyes. It's fine Nico! this isn't the 1930's anymore its okay to be homosexual.

I didn't know why, but I felt safe around Will. He was like a ray of sunshine lighting up my shadowy life. So I did something that I would never do for anyone else. "I'm gay." I shut my eyes and braced myself for him calling me a fag, kicking me a few times, and running away screaming. (thats probably not the correct way to use the word 'braced' but just ignore it <3) Because the first time I came out to someone (not Bianca or Maria obvi) they did exactly that. But instead of doing that, I felt him move closer. "Nico?" I kept my eyes closed "Nicoooo? Death boy! Neeekkkssss!!!" I slowly opened my eyes, still staring at the ground. Will put a finger under my chin and tilted my face up. When I met his eyes, he grinned. "me too!" my eyes widened "really?" Will nodded. I smiled too. "WE CAN BE GAY TOGETHER!!!" He squealed. I laughed at his facial expression, which was currently the biggest, craziest smile i've ever seen in my life. "Yay!" then, everything went quiet, and me and Will stared at each other. Slowly, we started leaning in. Our lips almost touched, but then Piper ruined the moment by squealing like Will had 2 seconds ago. "OMG! OMG! OMG!!!! MY OTP IS FINALLY HAPPENING!!!"

Me and Will jumped apart, and started blushing like crazy. "Umm, it's getting late! I'm gonna go back to my cabin now!" Will nodded "Same! Uhh see ya later?" I gave him a thumbs up, and power-walked outta there like the king I am. Once I was out of sight, I started sprinting. I stumbled into my cabin, and flopped down on one of the bunks. I glanced at one of the clocks, and it actually was getting late. It was 4pm and the sun was starting to set. The sun. Will. Will *Sigh

Obnoxious knocking on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't even get to say 'come in' before the door got busted open. I looked over and yelped. Piper and Jason stood there, grinning like maniacs. I tried to hide behind something, but I got dragged away by Jason. They sat me down on a chair in front of them, and crossed their arms. "Well?" Jason raised his eyebrow "tell us EVERYTHING." And so I explained what had happened in LOTS of detail, because Piper wouldn't let me finish a sentence without describing everything. When I finished, Jason was squealing, and Piper was doing cartwheels. "FINALLY!" Piper stopped cartwheeling to speak "now we just have to get you two together!" I shook my head. "I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship yet." Jason rolled his eyes "Sureeeeee, me and Pipes will plot, don't worry!" Then he took Pipers hand. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're gonna go start on that!" And with that, they ran out of the cabin. I sighed. Tomorrow's Christmas eve-day so I'm gonna work on decorating my cabin. And with that, I went to bed.

I'm gonna try to fit the rest into pt.4 bc this is turning into a whole dang book! Word count: 1,709 :) I didn't read through anything, so I hope it's okay! Hope you guys enjoyed! I might make a diff oneshot tmrw then keep working on this one! TYSM FOR READING AND VOTING!!! LUV U ALL SM


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