"We were just—"

"You were just nothing. Shut the hell up!"

The girls gapped in shock as they noticed no one seemed to be coming to their defense, choosing to just walk away to avoid any further embarrassment.

"Evelynn Rose, feisty as ever."

Her brown eyes rolled in annoyance, "Get away from me, Kelce. You are the last person I want to deal with today."

"Sucks, doesn't it? Too bad your mom appointed me as you designated your guide."

"I've been going to this school since freshman year, I know where my classes are." She sassed him, side stepping him and beginning her walk.

"That doesn't matter. Your mother told me to look out for you."

"I don't give a shit what my mother said."

She lets out a gasp as he gripped harshly on her wrist. It didn't last long seeing as he was immediately shoved off and slammed into a locker.

"How many times do I have to tell you to leave my
girlfriend alone?"

Kelce grunted as she struggled to shove Luca away from him, "Get off me, man!"

"Answer my question!" He pulled him off just to slam
him right back. "Too many times to count, right?!"

The hall began to flood as students began to realize the possibility of seeing a sight on the first day of school.

"What is it gonna take for you to leave her the hell
alone? Huh? Do I need to kick your ass again? That gave her like a week off of your bullshit."

"No!" A voice cut in, "No one's kicking anyone's ass, Luca, let him go!"

Topper's voice seemed to only upset the teen more. Luca pushed Kelce away from him, the teen flying into other students who held him up, he faces the Thornton teen with a glare.

Evelynn had told her boyfriend about the kooks costing JJ his job and he wasn't happy about it.

"Just relax." Topper out his hands out.

"Don't tell me what to do."

Evelynn rolled her eyes, reaching forward to grab Luca's hand, "Come on."

"Yeah, walk away, Luca! It's what you do best anyways."

Evelynn shoved her boyfriend forward as he went to turn back at Kelce's words,

"Ignore it."


"And the slave becomes the new ruler. Now, Diocletian—splits the sprawling Roman Empire..."

Kirsten took her hand away from JJ's as her phone vibrated with a message. She looked down at the doodling that covered her palm with a smile before her face fell at the unknown contact that was trying to message her.

"Into four separate kingdoms."

The others' phones began pinning, making her hold back an eye roll. It not like she told them to turn off their ringer or anything.

"Whose phone was that? Nobody?" The teacher asked, "You will be tested. Now, to recap, who was Diocletian An ex-slave who became the ruler of the Roman Empire. His reign began..."

"Did you get it?" JJ leaned over.

"Yeah." Kie and Pope nodded.

The teacher continued to talk, "following the m*rder
of the emperor. Now, before his reign, he served as commander, the first ruler to create a state budget based on tax revenue, and he built a large palace in Aspálathos, modern-day Split. These emperors were..."

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