connor family drama

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Evelynn Rose stood in front of her mirror, staring blankly at herself as she debated whether or not to drop dead or live for another few hours.

She'd either have to face the wrath of her parents for leaving the house to spend time with a couple of the only people she cared about on this island, or she'd have to face the wrath of her friends for ditching them to avoid getting in trouble again.

She was leaning towards the latter, though she was a little hesitant.

The girl knew her friends would understand why she wouldn't show up. She knew that they knew her parents couldn't stand them, with the slight exception of the Carrera twins. But that was only because of the two girls being born into the kook life, much like herself.

Her parents couldn't stand the idea of their daughter hanging out with the pogues, or as they called them, "idiotic hoodlums".

Evelynn never really cared how her parents felt about her friends -which got her in a crap ton of trouble- but that was only because she knew her friends didn't take full offense to the way her family described them. While she felt bad that the pogues had to deal with people degrading them on a daily basis, she only ever voiced her dislike for their mistreatment behind closed doors. Which resulted in her not leaving her room for the next few days.

Her parents were an odd couple to describe.

While they preferred that their daughter hung out the kooks, they hated that the kook she chose was her boyfriend, Luca Antonio.

That was a person that the Connor couple could not stand. Not because the teenager was disrespectful, in fact, he was probably the most respectful teenage boy on the island. Despite his tattoos, and obvious liking for getting himself into trouble, Luca Antonio was always respectful towards his elders. Especially his girlfriends parents.

The Antonio boy was also very well aware of how hard it was to please Matthew and Megan Connor, he'd been trying to get in their good graces for nearly two years now.

He knew that it'd be forever before the Connor couple accepted that he was practically in love with their youngest family member. He was lucky enough to have the approval of the oldest member of the Connor family, Evelynn's grandmother, Elizabeth Connor.

The older woman absolutely adored the relationship between her youngest grandchild and her boyfriend. She seemed to be the only one aware that Luca practically worshiped the ground Evelynn walked on, aside from the girl herself.

She also happened to prefer that the girl hung out with the pogues over the kooks. She absolutely adored JJ and Pope, she wasn't too fond with John B but she was always as respectful as she could be when Evelynn secretly brought them around.

Elizabeth loved her granddaughter with all her heart, and would do just about anything to keep her safe. Whether that be fighting against her own daughter to keep the girl out of trouble, or allowing her to spend the night at her house so she could avoid any unnecessary arguments with her parents.

Elizabeth would do anything to keep Evelynn safe.


Kirsten ran around her bedroom in a rush. Neatly, but hurriedly, putting away anything out of place. She knew she was late to hand out with her friends, but the girl couldn't stand any form of disorganization.

She had ushered her youngest sister out of the house, letting her know that she'd only be a few minutes behind her.

Kiara didn't argue, knowing that her twin couldn't stand the sight of anything that was cluttered. While the youngest Carrera knew her sisters room was practically spotless, she also knew that the girl wouldn't leave the house unless everything was up to her expectations. That meant spending another forty-five minutes in her bedroom until she couldn't spot a speck of dust.

Inhaling a breath, the girl stands back towards her bedroom door, her eyes dashing around the room as she releases the air. A satisfied grin making its way onto her face as she nods to herself, grabbing her sunglasses before exiting the perfectly clean room, making sure to close the door on her way out.

Her journey to the spot to meet her friends was a short walk, seeing as they were trespassing into a house that was already on her side of the island.

Her eyes squint as she glances up at the blonde haired boy who was awaiting her arrival. She could practically feels her eyes light up at the sight of him, sending a smile to Pope before quickly making her way to him.

She watches as the boy smiles brightly in her direction, silently inviting her to sit with him on the scaffolding.

"Hey! Where's Evelynn?" She can hear Pope shout to her before she could even make it up to where JJ sat.

"Where do you think, man?" John B answers for her, scoffing to himself as if it should've been obvious as to where their friend was.

"She probably got caught with her parents again." JJ noted, reaching his hand out towards the girl below him, allowing himself to pull her the rest of the way up.

"That's exactly what happened." Kirsten says, confirming JJ's words, "You know how they feel about you guys."

Her words were sad, but true. They all knew it.

Pope shrugs, "That's fine. Lizzie likes us."

"Lizzie likes you guys." John B corrects, earring a dramatic eye roll from the only girl present. "What the hell did I even do to her?"

His question was directed towards Kirsten, seeing as she was closest to their dear Evelynn Rose.

"Evelynn isn't too fond of you John B, what makes you thinks her grandmother gives a shit about you?"

JJ scoffs out a laugh, avoiding eyes contact with the boy he's known for most of his life.

The Maybank knew how the Connor girl felt about John B. At first, he thought it had something to do with the Routledge being a pogue, only to later realize that she didn't seem to mind his presence. He was probably the poguiest a pogue could get and Evelynn was one of his closest friends.

His thoughts are cut off by the sound of Kirsten's sigh,

"She can't come. Her moms going crazy right now." She started off, worrying the boys around her with her nervous voice, "She said she'll meet us later at the chateau."

The air grew silent at her words.

The group of friends knew how angry Megan Connor could get. They weren't clueless to the verbal abuse their friend received from her own mother, they were however worried if the abuse went further than just words.

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