Chapter 4: Lost and Found

Start from the beginning

"Fuck, Sally!" Janes head resurfaced, eyes filled with worry when she saw the kid disappear in, realising too late where she has gotten herself.

The young girl stopped, her eyes opening and widening upon the scene.

Hoards of people walked by her - no Jane or Scarlet in sight. Pulling her teddy closer, her head turned left and right.

''JANE...?! SCAR?!'' She called out, trying to make her way through the people.


Meanwhile, the duo of panicking women searched the crowd for any sign of her coming back. Scarlet listened closer using her abilities to try and filter through the conversations. Eventually, she head her call out, much further away then she thought she would be.

"I'll go after her. Take this and try to get her in your shadow and to a safe place" The now black haired woman gave the other the bag full of stuff she got from the mall and with determination, she made her way outside, Jane right after her, hidden by the marching feet.



Scarlets head turned to the left to where she heard her call out. She could barely see the pink of her dress through the crowd.

'These fucking people...!'

Scarlet gritted her teeth, putting some strength into pushing them out of her way.

A choir of grunts and annoyed responses, even angry shouts sounded from them as she moved through. One man in particular made a scene.


It was a man around his 40s, probably someone high up in his job, judging from his suit and briefcase. He stepped right up to her face, rage filled his eyes, while the woman held an annoyed scowl.

"Who do you think you are, girly!" He spat out; hardly anyone payed attention. Scarlet honestly couldn't care less for this stuck up asshole. With that in mind she turned around, searching for the little girl.

"HEY!" He let out, his arm grabbing her shoulder tightly. The woman wasn't exactly known for her patience....and it was running dangerously thin. Her hand flew up, catching the man off guard. She caught his wrist and squeazed. The mans eyes widened, inmediately trying to pull away. The hold only tightened.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands" she glared, squeazing one last time - feeling a little crunch. After that she let go, shoving his arm away. Seeing him cradle his hand, the wrist red and maybe some bones broken, his face scrunched with pain, she turned around, satisfied.

But she quickly realised that she lost sight of Sally.

'Where is she!?'

Her head swung from left to right, not a single sign of the pink dress or brunette hair. She heard the beating of her heart in her ears get louder, mixed in with the muffled conversations and clapping of the peoples shoes, making it impossible for her to use her power to hear her call out.

'Pull it together, Scarlet!' She told herself, pushing through the crowd once more with more urgency.

'Calm down'

"I am calm"

'No the fuck you aren't!'

"Yes, this is exactly what I need, your amazing support!"

'What else am I supposed to do, Einstein!? I'd slap you if I could!'

Scarlet just gritted her teeth, knowing that the voice in her head was right. Stopping her advances, she slapped her face herself, breathing in and out.

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