Chapter 2: Collision

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It was the next morning. Marinette began to walk outside. It was a nice and happy day to go for a walk. She and Adrien were planning on hanging out for a bit. It was just something a bit of a coffee date.

It was amazing how Marinette didn't just faint from her steam. Suddenly however, she bumped into someone, and not just anyone, but Adrien Agreste.

"O-Oh!" Marinette yelped out, "I'm so sorry!"

Adrien looked at her, his face turning bright red. This all but confused Marinette. Since when was he so embarrassed towards her?

"N-No! I should be sorry!" replied Adrien, "I-I should've been more careful!"

"W-Well since you're here," Marinette stammered, "would y-you like t-to go on our coffee d-date?"

Adrien froze. A date? Wait, no, she said, "coffee" date. So it wasn't a date date. But what confused Adrien other than that, was Marinette's attitude. Since when would she be the one stuttering her words?

"O-Of course!" Adrien lied, not knowing what to say, "L-Let's go!"

The two then began to walk together to a Starbucks. They walked awkwardly with each other.


Adrien was finally able to convince his father to give him a break for just one single second. He put on his blue scarf and a light jacket and began to head out. He was able to sneak past his bodyguard and finally walk on his own.

He couldn't wait for his coffee date with Marinette. Although he was wondering if she'd run away, again. He should try to figure out how she gets so nervous around him. Suddenly, he felt himself bumping into someone.

"Oh, so sorry...Marineeeette?" said Adrien.

He stared at the girl. He was almost blushing with her new hairstyle.

She didn't have her usual pigtails. It was free flowing, it was all down. He never thought that she'd look so amazing with her hair down. She also had a small bit of makeup on her. It was just a bit of eyeshadow, nothing much else.

"Might want to be careful next time, Agreste." said Marinette.

Something was also off about her, and she just talking proved it to Adrien. Her form, or more so her appearance. She looked more confident. It was as if Marinette had just become courageous overnight or something.

"I must be going now." said Marinette.

"W-Wait!" said Adrien, "D-Don't you want us to go on our coffee date?"

Marinette froze. Coffee date? She and Adrien never had a coffee date. Something was up. Adrien was sly, but she could see that he's planning something. So the best thing to do was to just play along with his little game, then get back to her true love.

"Alright, Adrien," she said, giving an unusual smile, "let's go."

The two then began to walk to the Starbucks. Adrien and Marinette were both confused with each other.


Nino waited on the roof for his date. Alya's been taking forever. All she needed to do was just simply transform and just meet him here.

Nino then decided to just transform himself and go to her and ask what's going on. Once he got there as Cat Crawler, he saw Alya just barely leaving. Before he could go down and talk to her, he felt an arm grab him.

"A-Alya?!" said Cat Crawler.

"Where were you, Nino?" asked Scarabella, "Something wrong? You look as if you just saw a ghost."

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