Robinstar stepped forward, her fluffy tail flicking, she had her head held up high in pride," Well, prey has been returning well this New-Leaf, TreeClan has been prospering." She started off, Foxpaw noticed that despite having a small frame, Robinstar spoke in a strong voice, she seemed to be more then meets the eye.

Foxpaw glanced at Brightpaw. The ginger and white apprentice was watching and listening to her leader intently, a smile on her face and a determined look on her pretty face. Foxpaw did a double take at that, No, on her FACE, not her pretty face. He nearly blushed in embarrassment, but he didn't.

It's as if Foxpaw didn't notice it before. The way her pelt shone in the moonlight, the way her water-blue eyes glistened with determination. She hadn't looked like that when they were kits... Maybe she wasn't the same cat?

"One of our queens, Russetleaf, has recently given birth to Thistlefang's kits: Blazekit and Emberkit. Also, I am sad to say that one of our apprentices, Smokeypaw, has passed. He died a warrior's death." Robinstar's face had a look of grief on it when she mentioned Smokeypaw. Maybe he was her apprentice?

"Smokeypaw! Smokeypaw!" The clans started to chant to StarClan. Foxpaw joined in, though the name felt strange on his tongue. He didn't know this cat, but he was chanting his name as if he did.

Brightpaw was looking down at her white paws, Foxpaw noticed. She had her eyes narrowed and they revealed no clear emotion.

Strange... Foxpaw thought to himself, his whiskers twitched.

Robinstar smiled sadly as the chanting diminished, "Also, there has been rouge scent in our territory, I thought you'd like to know." She looked at Swiftstar," I've got nothing else to report, you can go next."

Swiftstar nodded, stepping forward as she stepped back," Thank you Robinstar, we'll be sure to keep an eye out for the rouge. "

Robinstar nodded, sitting down as she pricked her ears to listen to the LeafClan leader.

"Prey is plentiful as well in LeafClan and there have been no fatalities." Swiftstar started off, his amber eyes glowing in the full moon's light.

Foxpaw listened, trying to keep his full attention on his leader, trying not to let his thoughts wander towards Brightpaw. Thoughts of her made his heart beat quicken.

"Two of our newer apprentices are here tonight and we're probably going to have some new warriors or apprentices within the next moon." There was a smirk on Swiftstar's face and Foxpaw realized that the new warriors would probably be Crowpaw, Rosepaw, and Mousepaw and the new apprentices were probably Icekit and Rainkit or maybe even Dewkit.

"That is all I have to say." Swiftstar finished, in Foxpaw's opinion the Gathering was pretty quick.

Robinstar spoke up," TreeClan, we must head back now!" "LeafClan, we must go as well!" Swiftstar added on loudly," This Gathering must come to an end." With that, the leaders started to climb down from their high perch.

Cats of both clans started getting up, scrambling to get to their clans. Friends from the other clans were now enemies once again.

Brightpaw got up to leave with Grayfoot, who had already headed off.

"Wait, Brightpaw!" Foxpaw said, his heart pounding against his chest. Why is this happening? Foxpaw asked desperately in his mind, Why am I feeling this way?

The she cat stopped in her tracks, turning to look at Foxpaw. Her blue eyes were confused," Something wrong, Foxpaw?" She asked worriedly.

Foxpaw took a deep breath," Can we talk when you have a chance?" He asked hoarsely, silently begging her to say yes.

Brightpaw was shocked, her eyes widened a bit," Um, Foxpaw, we're in different clans, I mean, it worked when we were kits and all, but it's different now." She explained, her tail flicking," I'm sorry, but no, see you next Gathering though."

Without another word, Brightpaw left. She left Foxpaw standing perfectly still. A single tear fell out of Foxpaw's green eyes. His heart felt like it snapped in two. His best friend... The only one he totally trusted... She just left him.

He felt like a cat had stabbed their claws into his heart, it was painful. This pain, it was different then anything he'd ever felt before. Worse then anything he'd felt before. He'd rather have faced ten foxes on his own then have felt this pain. But this pain, it wouldn't go away.

Why? What'd I do? Foxpaw asked himself, trying to keep from crying out.

But before he could do anything else, he saw something. It was Brightpaw. Her ginger and white pelt was easy to pick out in the crowd of TreeClan cats.

His best friend was with Snarlpaw, laughing, talking, being friends.

They used to be like that! Foxpaw and Brightpaw! What happened to best friends forever?

She replaced me? He thought, Why? Did I make her unhappy? Are we no longer friends? Did I offend her? Did I hurt her?

Questions raced through his mind and Foxpaw was helpless to stop them, he could do nothing about them. It was as if his heart had literally snapped this time, and it'll never fully heal.

"Foxpaw! Come on!" Crowpaw called, pointing with his tail to where the LeafClan cats were. Foxpaw said nothing in reply, he simply walked over to Crowpaw and followed him towards his clan.

What'd I do? He thought one last time, stealing one last glance at Brightpaw and Snarlpaw.

Okay, I'm really sorry! I didn't update in quite awhile... Wattpad deleted the chapter I wrote and I lost the rough draft. But anyways... here's the chapter! Chapter 20! Poor Foxpaw... Anyhows, vote and comment please!

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