Contracted wife

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After the couples sign their contract Mother Mei Ling left and agreed to pack all of Mei Xing's luggage in the Yan mansion the next day. Now Mei Xing was tired of all the silly questions the two Yan younger brothers asked her, with all these words she felt like throwing up. 'What the hell! Do these guys have a DNA of an insect in them?' Mei Xing said silently.

    "Did you just say DNA wifey?" Asked Yan Xun who overheard Mei Xing's words but not clearly. Mei Xing stopped and looked at Yan Xun. "What's wrong wifey, or should I lick your smooth skin," Yan Xun brought out his pink tongue and looked at Mei Xing seductively. "Stop staring at me like that!" Exclaimed Mei Xing who was opening the door to outside the courtyard. Mei Xing immediately saw the self-satisfied smirk on Yan Feng's face and then immediately grew angry instantly.

    "Boss Yan why are you looking at me like that, afterall you got me fired!" Mei Xing said then Yan Feng leaned over to where she was. Feeling his face getting closer and closer to hers, Mei Xing stepped back to avoid his breath from touching her face. Then Yan Xun and Yan Bei came to Mei Xing's rescue. "Brother do you want to scare her lungs out of her body," Yan Bei asked annoyingly while Yan Xun gave his elder brother a warning look.


      After getting into the car, Mei Xing was shocked and frightened, not noticing where they were going.

    Until she saw that the view outside the car window became more and more strange, she asked Yan Feng who was driving gently as she panicked in fear. "Where are we going?" She clearly mentioned. "We're going home princess," He said as his face showed a devilish smirk. Mei Xing looked worried and asked gently. "But my home isn't this way." Yan Feng did not reply to her. "Wife we are going to my home." Yan Bei responded since his elder brother kept himself mute.

    What Yan Bei said just now almost made Mei Xing melt, she looked at them frighteningly and wickedly. She yelled crazily in the car. "Eldest husband! You and your two brothers are taking me to your house! Please make a turn to my mother's restaurant now!" Screamed Mei Xing. Yan Feng could sense anger in her voice as if he could see through her and replied, "If we don't live together, how would this be called a marriage?" His eyes focused on her. Mei Xing said nothing and then gulped down her saliva in difficulty, this was because of the noise she made earlier. "Do you have any other questions?" He asked her then his two younger brothers pretended to not hear a word they just kept mute looking through the window of the car.

    For a moment, she was speechless and felt as if she had fallen into a deep hole with no end. Yan Feng quickly drove into the mansion and stopped in the garden. When Mei Xing was out of the car she immediately fell in love with the garden, Mei Xing was surprised because the length of the garden was so extravagant and it could even occupy three rooms it was so big. But Mei Xing was worried as she could remember her mother and father sleeping in the same room on the same bed but now she is married will she have to share the same bed with three men? No, she can't do that...

    Yan Xun held her hand while walking in then the others follow them from behind. His thin lips let out a broad smile then he cornered his eyes to look at her, she was so beautiful with her pretty face and her lovely dark hair.

    When they entered the house, a familiar maid welcomed them and greeted them respectfully. Yan Xun turned around and introduced the maid to his new wife, "This is your new maid. Her name is Miss Solange." To the Yan brother's surprise, Mei Xing hugged the maid and screamed in joy "Solange, it's me Mei Xing your friend." Solange eyes widened in shock.

    "Mei Xing! Wow Mei Xing you look more womanly attractive." Solange said. The Yan brother's jaw dropped. Oh lucky me am ravishing? Oh, the mean dog is about to talk? "You two can chat later! not know let go, wife!" Yan Feng said coldly. "Husband don't be too harsh she is my childhood friend." Mei Xing smiled wryly then kissed his forehead. 'Now the two brothers are jealous? I just gave him a one-chance forehead peck that's all why are these two scum bags looking at me like hungry wolves?' Solange smiled and chuckled gently seeing her childhood friend pecking the young master's forehead.

    "Young wife, you have all day to talk, you can't just make us stand here why you two are discussing." Said Yan Bei seriously. The Yan brothers agreed with his words then Mei Xing nodded and immediately said. "later then!" Solange left in amusement then two other people came then bowed slightly and greeted the young masters and their new wife properly. Yan Xun turned around, pointing at the two young males. "This is Quan Li and his brother Quan Yu they are both hired, especially for you they are both responsible for the kitchen." Mei Xing's ear exploded. All insulting? Are these three bitches alright? I should have killed them since in the restaurant! F*ck?

    "What do you think?" Yan Xun asked as he leaned on the wall and sighed softly.

    "Are you three trying to say am a bad cook." Mei Xing asked seriously, while the three brothers looked at themselves stunned. "Big brother Feng you hired them right!..." Yan Bei asked then Yan Feng murmured. "Yesss--"

    "Now discharge them both!" Yan Bei inquired. Mei Xing study the gentle servant and saw the sadness in him, duck you should have think twice before coming here? Now you're getting discharged on the first day at work!?. "I need one out of them and the last one should go as the gardener as a matter of fact the garden needs to be maintained." Mei Xing noticed she is already becoming more arrogant and said. "Yan Feng, Bei, and Xun! What do you think?" Mei Xing asked for their opinion so she could maintain her silly manners. "Yeah, you are right! Wife." They all said simultaneously then Mei Xing smiled.

    "Quan Yu are you okay as my assistant in the kitchen!" Mei Xing asked then Quan Yu's face brighten in amusement.

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