Chapter 2: A little Angel

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Surprisingly, Lin Jun had anticipated that his wife would cry, but to his astonishment, she managed to hold back her tears, mired in guilt. Mrs. Mei Ling hesitated for a moment before responding to Yi Ye's plea, her hands delicately folded. "There's no need, I just want to sit," she said softly, her husband watching her with pitiful eyes. "Alright, would you prefer to sit in the welcoming embrace of our backyard?" Yi Ye suggested. "Yes, that would be much better," Lin Jun replied, stealing a glance at his wife before agreeing.

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In the enchanting backyard, a little princess dressed in a flowing yellow gown adorned with delicate flowers stood on the edge, captivated by the sight of children frolicking in the sunlight. Despite her inherent beauty, a cloud of ennui enveloped her, as her fragile health confined her to idleness for most of her days. Her eyes wandered towards the couple seated on the bench, witnessing the young woman in her late twenties sobbing wretchedly. This sight deeply pained the little one's heart, compelling her husband to console his distraught wife.

As an orphanage guardian, Yi Ye had instilled in the children the importance of supporting one another, particularly in moments of sadness. However, the woman before them was not a child; her tears flowed from the profound depths of her sorrow. Moved by empathy, the little princess stood up and cautiously approached the grieving couple. The moonlight cast a gentle glow upon her fair, delicate skin, as if highlighting her ethereal presence in this realm of wonder. The breeze gently tousled her long, dark locks, yet her hair retained its enchanting allure, complementing her regal allure. With grace, she spoke, her voice akin to that of an angel. "Good evening, Aunty. Good evening, Uncle. May I ask why you are crying, Auntie?" Completely disregarding Lin Jun's perplexed expression, the little girl stood before Mei Ling, awaiting a response.

The Little One possessed the countenance of an angel, her cherubic face emitting a blend of innocence and profound suffering that rendered her fragile yet irresistibly endearing. Lin Jun couldn't help but fall in love with this compassionate young girl. " daughter passed away, and..." Mei Ling's voice trailed off as she was overwhelmed by a fresh wave of tears. Sensing the woman's pain, the little girl tenderly patted Mei Ling's trembling hand, and softly uttered, "Auntie, I'm sorry for your loss. Sometimes, in life, things are given to us, only to be taken away." Mei Ling was deeply moved by this wise observation from such a young soul. Curiosity stirred within her, prompting her to ask, "Who taught you that?" The little girl responded with an innocent smile, revealing her milky teeth. "Mother Yi Ye often says that whenever she tells me about the grief experienced by some parents. I believe her." The little one's words offered Mei Ling a momentary respite from her pain.

Lin Jun, visibly intrigued by the girl's enchanting presence, decided to engage in conversation. "What's your name, little girl?" he inquired. The girl hesitated for a moment, a twinkle in her eye, before responding, "My name is Abandoned!" Both couples exchanged bewildered glances, puzzled by the unexpected reply. Mei Ling found herself unable to contain her laughter. "Abandoned? You must be joking," she exclaimed, her laughter filling the serenity of the night.

"Abandoned?" Mei Ling and Lin Jun were taken aback by the little girl's solemn response. The weight of her words settled heavily upon them, evoking a sense of shock. Lin Jun couldn't help but ask, his voice full of pity, "Why were you given that name?"

With a deep sense of resignation, the little girl began to recount her story. "Mother Yi Ye told me that my parents passed away when I was very young, and a heartless pirate sold me to this orphanage. Due to my heart disease, I named myself Abandoned, for I believe that I, too, will find peace in death soon." The girl spoke of death as if it were a comforting prospect.

Mei Ling turned to her husband, her eyes shining with a glimmer of hope, and ventured, "Hubby, do you think this girl could fill the void left by our daughter?" Lin Jun, surprised by his wife's suggestion, responded with a sense of urgency, "Yes, let's call for the guardian of the orphanage!"

Mei Ling paused for a moment, considering something before turning to face the little girl. "How old are you?" She cleared her throat, preparing to speak, while the little girl nervously answered, her voice as melodious as an angel's, "I'm five years old." A simultaneous nod of agreement passed between the two couples, their shared decision silently sealing their resolution.

"Madam Yi Ye!" Mei Ling exclaimed eagerly, unable to contain her excitement. "I'm coming, dear," Yi Ye promptly responded. Mei Ling glimpsed an opportunity before Yi Ye's arrival and spoke to the little girl. "Before Madam Yi Ye gets here, let's give you a name." Mei Ling turned to her disappointed husband, lowering her voice slightly. "Darling, you know I'm not particularly talented at naming children," Lin Jun acknowledged.

Suddenly, a spark of inspiration blossomed within Mei Ling, and she confidently declared, "From now on, your name shall be Mei Xing! You are named after our beloved daughter... do you like the name?" The corners of Mei Ling's lips curved into a warm smile, eagerly awaiting the little girl's response.

With utmost enthusiasm, Mei Xing exclaimed, "I love the name, Auntie!" Her excitement overflowed, embracing the newfound love that her heart had long yearned for. Mei Ling interjected, correcting her affectionate title, "No, call me 'Mother,' and my husband 'Father.' Understand, dearest? I am not just any auntie." Mei Xing nodded eagerly, overwhelmed by the happiness that enveloped her in this moment, and she tightly embraced her new parents, finally liberated from the confines of the orphanage after five long years. For the first time, she was ready to explore the world outside.

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